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Title: Firm size and export behaviour: an Indian case study
Authors: Patibandla, Murali
Keywords: Firm;Export
Issue Date: 5-Oct-1995
Abstract: In the context of Indian industry, this article argues that in the presence of capital market imperfections and sub-optimal contractual arrangements, small firms face higher transaction or selling costs in the domestic market. One of the strategic responses by small firms towards overcoming the mobility barriers imposed by high transaction costs in the domestic market is to break into the competitive world market. Small firms that could realise a critical level of production efficiency and possible information externalities that arise through inter-firm linkages might be the ones that could succeed in exports. The empirical observations derived from the analysis of firm level survey data provide reasonable support to the main arguments.
Description: Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 31, No. 6, (August 1995), pp. 868-82
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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