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Results 1-10 of 11 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
21-Nov-2013Structuring the Dedicated Freight Corridor Project A Lost OpportunityAgarwalla, Sobhesh Kumar; Raghuram, G.
13-Aug-2009‘Turnaround’ of Indian Railways: A Critical Appraisal of Strategies and ProcessesRaghuram, G.
14-Mar-2010Study of the problem of improving the utilization of the non-suburban passenger fleet in Indian railwaysRaghuram, G.
14-Mar-2010Crew scheduling in Indian railways: a case study of Vadodara division passenger train crewsRaghuram, G.; Rao, V. Venkata; Saha, Jahar
23-Mar-2010Simulation models to evaluate railway operating policiesManikutty, S.; Raghuram, G.; Rao, V. Venkata
2008Toilets and TrainsRaghuram, G.
1-Mar-2012Container movement by rail in India: a review of policy evolutionGangwar, Rachna; Morris, Sebastian; Pandey, Ajay; Raghuram, G.
5-Apr-2016Dedicated high speed rail network in india: Issues in developmentRaghuram, G.; Udayakumar, Prashanth D
11-Nov-2008Turnaround of Indian railways: increasing the Axle loading (Colloquium)Raghuram, G.; Shukla, Niraja
12-Dec-2009Strategies for improving Indian railways' market share of port based coal traffic: a diagnostic studyRaghuram, G.; Verma, Sanjay; Dixit, K. L.; Kapshe, Sanjeevan