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Results 1-10 of 27 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
25-Nov-1985Export marketing of gems and jewellery in IndiaAhuja, Gautam; Gupta, Gautam; Nigam, G.C; Monga, Latika; Khanna, Ajay; Venkataraman, K.
Aug-1985Managing socio-political environment in India: a new task for top managementChaudhri, Shekhar
Jan-1985Managing frustration at workPareek, Udai
21-Sep-1985Human resources planning: some current needsSaiyadain, Mirza S.
21-Sep-1985Issues in the internationalization of Indian public enterprisesKhandwalla, Pradip N.; Chaudhuri, Shekhar
21-Sep-1985An integrated view of entrepreneurshipTripathi, Dwijendra
20-Sep-1985Problems faced by women in a male-dominated organizationBhatnagar, Deepti
21-Sep-1985Japan: turning to Third WorldTripathi, Dwijendra
20-Sep-1985Organizational role stress and branch managersBhatnagar, Deepti; Bose, Kakoli
20-Sep-1985Some organizational ramifications of computerizationBhatnagar, Deepti