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Results 31-40 of 79 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
21-Sep-1986Leasing - an investment or a financing decisionRaghunathan, V.
21-Sep-1986Scope for exploitation of consumers through speculation: a dynamic programming approach to the case of the Indian sugar industryPatel, Nitin R.; Rajagopalan, R.
22-Sep-1986Monitoring government policy environmentDixit, Mukund R.
23-Sep-1986The inter-industry wage structure in India: recent experienceVerma, Pramod; Subbayamma, G.
1986Decision support system for a job shopRavichandran, D
1986Thermax Private Ltd.Desai, R. B.; Dey, Sanjoy; Menon, Vinod; Paul, D.; Subramaniam, S.; Sundaram, S. M.; Varghese, Sunil; Balasubramanian, A. G.
Jan-1986Packaging of processed food: A study of methods and materialsKalbag, Vinata
Feb-1986Feasibility report for a small scale PVC pipe unitJaipuria, Jyoti
1986Computer Graphics for irrigation systems designMittal, Piyush; Rajendra Kumar, P.
22-Sep-1986Diagnoses: matching people and programme: at what prices?Gupta, Anil K.