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Results 1-10 of 249 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
13-Mar-2010Consumption patterns and macromarketing : a radical perspectiveDholakia, Nikhilesh; Fuat Firat, A.
21-Mar-2010New marketing in a new environment: some thoughts on a basic restructuringDholakia, Nikhilesh
25-Mar-2010Growth strategy for tiny and rural industries sector need for marketing orientationKhurana, Rakesh
3-Jun-2010Ashima Attires: Case-Writing ProjectBanerjee, Bibek; Raghuram, G.
2-Jun-2010Localized and Non-Localized Competition in the Presence of Brand LoyaltyBanerjee, Bibek
4-Jun-2010A Study of Marketing strategy of MNC Subsidiaries in IndiaVenaik, Sunil
4-Jun-2010Segmenting Shoppers on their BehaviourSinha, Piyush Kumar
22-Jun-2010Marketing in Rural IndiaMohan, Mahendra
1-Jul-2010Some Thoughts on Marketing to ECKoshy, Abraham; Jain, Abhinandan K.
6-Jul-2010Procurement and Marketing of Wheat and Wheat ProductsNaik, Gopal