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Results 1-10 of 151 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
27-Jul-2010Primal and Lagrangian heuristics for minimum weight rooted arborescence problemRao, V. Venkata; Sridharan, R.
31-Mar-2010Multiple products, multiple constraints, single period inventory problem: a hierarchical solution procedureKumar, Satyendra; Rao, V. Venkata; Tirupati, Devanath
23-Mar-2010A computer based crew scheduling system for freight trains in Indian railwaysRaghuram, G.; Rao, V. Venkata
24-Mar-2010The minimum weight rooted arborescence problem: weights on ARCS caseRao, V. Venkata; Sridharan, R.
30-Apr-2010Design and Development of a Decision SupportRao, V. Venkata; Ankolekar, Suresh
10-May-2010Development of a Train Simulation Package for R.I.T.E.SRaghuram, G.; Rao, V. Venkata
13-May-2010Management of Transportation SystemRaghuram, G.; Rao, V. Venkata; Manikutty, S.
13-May-2010An Expert System for Trouble Shooting of Hardware Failures in Personal ComputersRao, V. Venkata; Yegneshwar, S.
13-May-2010Software for Decision on Twin Single Vs. Double Line Working in RailwaysManikutty, S.; Raghuram, G.; Rao, V. Venkata
1-Jul-2010Gantt Chart ColouringRao, V. Venkata; Syam Prasad, C.