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Results 11-20 of 366 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
26-Mar-2010Management of large it projects: the passenger reservation system of Indian railwaysJain, Rekha; Raghuram, G.
27-Mar-2010Resource mobilisation strategies for financing of transport infrastructure and servicesPangotra, Prem P.; Raghuram, G.
5-Apr-2010Privatization of ports - framework for governmental actionRaghuram, G.
22-Apr-2010An Exploratory Study of a Marshalling YardPatel, Nitin R.; Raghuram, G.
30-Apr-2010Development of Transportation Research and Training Efforts at IIMARaghuram, G.; Padmanabhan, Gita
10-May-2010Safety Management in TransportationJain, Rekha; Chhokar, Jagdeep S.; Raghuram, G.; Mathews, Dilip
10-May-2010Designing Bus Route Networks for the Centre Point ProblemJain, Rekha; Raghuram, G.; Shobhna, R.
10-May-2010Development of a Train Simulation Package for R.I.T.E.SRaghuram, G.; Rao, V. Venkata
10-May-2010Impact of Railways on LogisticsRaghuram, G.
12-May-2010Bus Route Network DesignBarua, Samir K.; Raghuram, G.