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Results 71-79 of 79 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
22-Sep-1986Using crop outlook information for timely marketing decisions in governmentBapna, S. L.
22-Sep-1986What do managers do? frontiers of management research abroadMisra, S.
1986Decision support system for a job shopRavichandran, D.
22-Sep-1986Rural development programmes : a management approachBarua, Samir K.; Singh, G.; Seetharaman, S. P.
1-Mar-1986Monitoring the government policy environmentDixit, Mukund R.
22-Sep-1986How to be an effective interviewMisra, S.
25-Mar-198621st Annual Convocation (1986)Sheth, N. R.; Krishnamurthy, V.; Bhaya, Hiten
21-Sep-1986Feedback makes senseChhokar, Jagdeep S.
22-Sep-1986Making of a creative genius, Parts I, II, IIIKhandwalla, Pradip N.