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Results 21-30 of 136 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
22-Oct-2003Shopping orientation in the evolving Indian marketSinha, Piyush Kumar
21-Oct-2003Policy initiative for countering imbalances in dairy sector in the post-WTO eraSharma, Vijay Paul
22-Oct-2003Review of organizational behaviour research in India: journey from 1990 to 2000Vohra, Neharika; Rawat, A.; Pandey, N.
19-Jul-2003Gujarat-performance and prospectsDholakia, Ravindra H.
19-Jul-2003The challenge of net based promotionsKureshi, Sonal; Vyas, Preeta H.
19-Jul-2003Is independent director really independent?Ram Mohan, T. T.
21-Oct-2003A more relaxed view of fiscal consolidationRam Mohan, T. T.
20-Oct-2003What is monetary policy doing?D'Souza, Errol
20-Oct-2003Branch and peg algorithms for the simple plant location problemsGoldengorin, B.; Ghosh, Diptesh; Sierksma, G.
20-Oct-2003Solving the simple plant location problem using a data correcting approachGoldengorin, B.; Tijssen, G. A.; Ghosh, Diptesh; Sierksma, G.