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Results 11-20 of 136 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
21-Oct-2003Long-run performance of public and private sector bank stocksRam Mohan, T. T.
22-Oct-2003Regional disparity in economic and human development in IndiaDholakia, Ravindra H.
21-Oct-2003IIMS-I Markets and equity in educationD'Souza, Errol
21-Oct-2003Veterinary services delivery and the poor: case of rural Orissa, IndiaAhuja, Vinod; Morrenhof, Jan; Sen, Arindam
20-Oct-2003Firms, nations and trainingD'Souza, Errol
22-Oct-2003Exports of agri-products from Gujarat: problems and prospectsDholakia, Ravindra H.
22-Oct-2003Managing organizational changeGupta, Parvinder
22-Oct-2003Why is media so Apathetic?Gupta, Anil K.
20-Oct-2003Pension reforms in India: unresolved issues and policy choicesGupta, Ramesh
20-Oct-2003Life cycle concerns: ineffectively addressedD'Souza, Errol