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Results 51-60 of 148 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
4-Aug-2010A Note on Agrarian Structure and Land Reforms in IndiaDatta, Samar K.; Kapoor, Sanjeev
5-Aug-2010The Global Perspective on the Development of Agricultural and Allied SectorsDatta, Samar K.; Kapoor, Sanjeev
5-Aug-2010Need for Expanding Non-Farm Sector in India - An Employment PerspectiveDatta, Samar K.; Kapoor, Sanjeev
5-Aug-2010Role of Agriculture in Economic DevelopmentDatta, Samar K.; Kapoor, Sanjeev
5-Aug-2010Fruits and Vegetables in India: An Overview of the Present Position and Issues for the DevelopmentDatta, Samar K.; Kapoor, Sanjeev
5-Aug-2010Land Reforms in India: The Facts and the FutureDatta, Samar K.; Kapoor, Sanjeev
5-Aug-2010How to Promote Horticulture: A Theorisation Based on Case StudiesDatta, Samar K.; Kapoor, Sanjeev
5-Aug-2010Management of the Forestry Sector: An Overview of the Problems and IssuesDatta, Samar K.; Kapoor, Sanjeev
5-Aug-2010An Analytical Frame for Appreciating the Role of Allied Agricultural SectorsDatta, Samar K.; Kapoor, Sanjeev
6-Aug-2010Social Forestry Entrepreneur - The Case of Mr. Krishan ChanderDatta, Samar K.; Kapoor, Sanjeev