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Results 11-20 of 118 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
30-Jun-2010Inefficiency and Speculation in the Indian Capital MarketRaghunathan, V.; Barua, Samir K.
12-Jul-2010Interest Charges - Capitalising. A Fnancial & Accounting BlasphemyRaghunathan, V.
12-Jul-2010Lease Rentals - The Unholy DipRaghunathan, V.
13-Jul-2010New Financial Instruments in the Capital MarketRaghunathan, V.
12-Jul-2010Lease Rentals - The Unholy DipRaghunathan, V.
12-Jul-2010Understanding the Mastershare BetterRaghunathan, V.
12-Jul-2010Housing Finance: Recent DevelopmentsRaghunathan, V.
12-Jul-2010Housing Finance: Bridging the GapRaghunathan, V.
13-Jul-2010Hostile Take Overs: Defence StrategiesRaghunathan, V.
13-Jul-2010Tainted Shares: Pecunia Non OletVarma, Jayanth R.; Raghunathan, V.