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Results 41-50 of 9530 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12-Apr-2010Study on City Management Problem in KeralaMampilly, Paul
12-Apr-2010Industrial Relations in Metal-Based IndustriesVerma, Pramod
12-Apr-2010Professional Levels and Work MotivationSaiyadain, Mirza S.
12-Apr-2010Management of Technological change in Dry Farming Areas, Phase IIKrishnaswamy, M.S.
12-Apr-2010Corporate Investment in 1976: A ForecastRangarajan, C.
12-Apr-2010Dissolution of Assembly and Beyond: Anatomy of a MovementSharan, Girja; Swamy, Dalip
12-Apr-2010A View of the Consumer Co-Operative Retail Outlets from the Actual Consumers Point of ViewGupta, Subroto Sen
12-Apr-2010Wages in IndiaVerma, Pramod
12-Apr-2010Movement fo Foodgrains in IndiaRaghavachari, M.
12-Apr-2010Psychological Tests for Executive Selection (Phase II)Saiyadain, Mirza S.; Monappa, Arun