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Results 9521-9530 of 9530 (Search time: 0.016 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
30-Oct-2024The interface between authoritarian innovations and labour: implications for the Indian workforceNoronha, Ernesto; D’Cruz, Premilla
13-Nov-2024“Thriving at the margins”: understanding workplace mistreatment and the impostor phenomenon among Latina faculty in STEMChakraverty, Devasmita
16-Oct-2024What explains rice exports? an analysis of major rice-exporting countriesVarma, Poornima
5-Dec-2024A field experiment on marketplace literacy and self-help group membership in subsistence marketplacesViswanathan, Madhu; Sreekumar, Arun; Jaikumar, Saravana; Dutta, Shantanu
8-Dec-2024Stochastic vehicle routing with delivery choiceVenkateshan, Prahalad; Mathur, Kamlesh
20-Dec-2024On measuring Muslim segregation in urban IndiaShah, Arpit; Sugathan, Anish; Bharathi, Naveen; Rahman, Andaleeb; Garg, Amit; Malghan, Deepak
23-Nov-2024Digital payments in India - how demonetization and COVID-19 shaped adoption?Yadav, Varun; Das, Abhiman
28-Dec-2024Alternative investment behavior of households during crises: The effects of the COVID-19 shock on gold purchases in IndiaBaur, Dirk G.; Gopalakrishnan, Balagopal; Mohapatra, Sanket
27-Jan-2025Dynamic robot routing and destination assignment policies for robotic sorting systemsFang, Yuan; De Koster, René; Roy, Debjit; Yu, Yugang
15-Jan-2025Assessing the effect of mindful consumption towards residents’ well-being with the mediation of brand loyalty and self-brand connection in tourismKaur, Jaspreet; Sharma, Ruchika; Sharma, Shikha; Roy, Subhadip