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Results 1-10 of 623 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
31-Jan-1971Problems of the 70sKrishnayya J.G.
2-Dec-1970Bank plans based on marketing frameworkPrasad, Keshav
25-Jul-1975Factors in formulating an Industrial relations strategy in IndiaMonappa, Arun; Saiyadain, Mirza S.
21-Jun-1975Managerial approaches to social problemsDholakia, Nikhilesh; Bagozzi, Richard P.
25-Aug-1975General knowledge test for competitive examinationsMisra, Sasi B.
25-Mar-1975Process consultation in an international conferencePareek, Udai
29-Jun-1974Containing demand pressures on pricesRangarajan, C.
29-Jan-1975Dimensions of public relationsRao, Srinivas S.
15-Jun-1977Technical progress and the linear homogeneous production functionDholakia, Bakul H.
15-Jun-1977Problem of honesty, truthfulness and responsibility, Indian managementMonappa, Arun