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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20-Sep-1982Productivity in relations to alienation and anxietyPestonjee, D. M.; Singh, A. P.; Singh, Y. K.
22-Sep-1986Executive stress: should it always be avoided?Pestonjee, D. M.
20-Sep-1981Training, satisfaction and performancePestonjee, D. M.; Singh, A. P.; Singh, U. B.
16-Sep-1982Productivity in relation to alienation and anxietyPestonjee, D. M.; Singh, Y. K.
1-Oct-1989Leisure, Health and StressPestonjee, D. M.; Muncherji, Nina B.
1987Stress audit as a mechanism of HRD: Alternative approaches and strategies of human resources development: national HRD networkPestonjee, D. M.