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Results 1-10 of 73 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1988Decision support system for project managementPatil, Shashi Kishore; Prasad, V. C. S. N.; Sambamurthy, N.
1988Financing for consumer durables by commercial banksRavishankar, G.; Krishnaswamy, Jyothi
1988Cash management at BHELK.V., Srinivasan; Amit, Varma
1988Psychographic segmentation of car ownersGiridhar, K.; Sarkar, P.
1988Paper on the strategic aspects of mergers and aquisitionsJayanthi, K.; Gupta, Sandeep Kumar
1988Operations research modelling in social forestryLodh, Madhumita
1988Study of commodity futures trading in IndiaThayil, Sharlin U.; Mathew, Thomas
1988Packaging technology for fruits and vegetables and their derivativesHegdekatte, S. V.
1988Technology transfer from IPCL to downstream processorsThakur, S.K.; John, M.V.
1988Human resource management strategies and interventionsBhat, Devangana; Kumar, Punit