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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20-Oct-2003Branch and peg algorithms for the simple plant location problemsGoldengorin, B.; Ghosh, Diptesh; Sierksma, G.
20-Oct-2003Solving the simple plant location problem using a data correcting approachGoldengorin, B.; Tijssen, G. A.; Ghosh, Diptesh; Sierksma, G.
22-Oct-2003On the complexity of determining tolerances for epsilon-optimal solutions to min-max combinatorial optimization problemGhosh, Diptesh; Sierksma, G.
21-Oct-2003Binary knapsack problems with random budgetsDas, Shubhabrata; Ghosh, Diptesh
22-Oct-2003Neighbourhood search heuristics for the uncapacitated facility location problemGhosh, Diptesh