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Results 1-10 of 433 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1998Quality management in milk industryKaranjkar, Anil
1997National Directory of Entrepreneur Trainer Motivators and Resource PersonsHanumappa, Anilkumar; Sareen, S. B.
13-Jul-1991Portfolio design: equity portfolioVarma, Jayanth R.
13-Jul-1991Fundamentalism: applied IllustrationsRaghunathan, V.
13-Jul-1991Making the golden bird sing againGupta, Anil K.
13-Jul-1991The art of scientific investmentGupta, Ramesh
13-Jul-1991The capital asset pricing modelRaghunathan, V.
15-Jul-1996Turning things upside down: creativity and innovations at grassrootsGupta, Anil K.; Patel, Kirit K.
15-Jul-1997Restructuring through de-mergerVenkiteswaran, N.
Mar-1997Exit equityRaghunathan, V.