Now showing items 1-19 of 19

    • Aspects of cognitive competence and managerial behaviour 

      Das, J. P.; Misra, Sasi (2010-03-31)
      We present arguments for viewing decision making by managers in the context of both cognitive psychology and neuropsychology of planning. Individual differences in managerial decision making are explained within the framework ...
    • Bases of involment in work and family contexts 

      Kanungo, Rabindra N.; Misra, Sasi (2010-03-14)
      The paper reports on a bi-national study of involvement in work and family contexts. Using heterogeneous samples of managerial personnel in India and Canada, the explored the differential need patterns aroused in work and ...
    • A cross-cultural study of teaching effectiveness of the case method versus the lecture method of teaching in lecture-oriented environments: some preliminary findings 

      Stuhler, Elmar A.; Misra, Sasi (2010-03-14)
      This paper presents some preliminary results of an ongoing study in two West German Universities and the University of the Philippines which examines the comparative effectiveness of the case vs. lecture method of teaching. ...
    • Declining work motivation in India: How to get the reluctant horse to drink? 

      Kanungo, Rabindra N.; Misra, Sasi (2010-03-12)
      4he general feeling about the increasing organizational inefficiency and low morals is that there is an overall lack of proper work ethic in Indian Society. There is also a general consensus of views regarding this state ...
    • Definition and measurement of family involvement 

      Misra, Sasi; Ghosh, Ratna; Kanungo, Rabindra N. (2010-03-14)
      This paper reports on the development of a new and standardized measure of family involvement. The family involvement construct is operationalized on the basis of the motivational formulation of involvement and alienation ...
    • Effectiveness of varying sales style on consumer orientations 

      Rao, T. V.; Misra, Sasi (2010-03-13)
      Using the role play technique, the effect of four different sales orientations on customers with four different need patterns was examined. In a factorial design, product-centred, company-centred, customer-centred, and ...
    • Excursion from the pure to the applied in experimental social psychology: a reaffirmation of faith 

      Misra, Sasi (2010-03-23)
      This paper evaluates from the author's points of view, the current status of experimental social psychology as a positive science and a means of solving problems faced by potential users of social psychological knowledge. ...
    • General knowledge test for competitive examinations 

      Misra, Sasi (2010-03-21)
      In this paper a schematic framework towards systematization of General Knowledge as a selection tool has been suggested. The standardized methods for GK test construction, test-format and scoring procedure have been ...
    • Influence of lifestyle on buying behaviour 

      Kumar, Padmanabhan; Chatterjee, Suman; Venkatramani, G. (Indian Institute of Management (Ahmedabad), 1989)
      This is a study of the lifestyles and personality traits of Indian executives and their related attribute preferences in consumer goods purchase. The study has attempted to understand and describe the lifestyles and ...
    • Integrated problem solving and decision making: matching ability and training with management reality 

      Misra, Sasi; Stuhler, Elmar A. (2010-03-15)
      To solve problems parsimoniously and make decisions well, to-be-managers must possess the requisite ability (intelligence) and acquire the needed professional skills through education and training. According to the authors, ...
    • Managerial resourcefulness: a reconceptualization of management skills 

      Kanungo, Rabindra N.; Misra, Sasi (2010-03-21)
      Prevailing conceptualizations of skills required for successful managerial performance are partial and a jumble. This paper examines the limitations to our understanding of the nature of managerial skills based on the ...
    • Measurement of attitudes 

      Arul, M. J.; Misra, Sasi (2010-03-13)
      People have likes and dislikes and have them in varying degrees. But why study and measure them? Attitudes are action tendencies and as such they can facilitate or hinder action at all levels: individual, group, community, ...
    • Measurement of attitudes 

      Arul, M. J.; Misra, Sasi (2010-03-15)
      People have likes and dislikes and have them in varying degrees. But why study and measure them? Attitudes are action tendencies and as such they can facilitate or hinder action at all levels: individual, group, community, ...
    • Motivational formulation of job and work involvement: a cross - national study 

      Misra, Sasi; Kanungo, Rabindra N.; Rosenstiel, Lutz Von; Stuhler, Elmar A. (2010-03-13)
      This paper extends the motivational formulation and measurement of job and work involvement constructs (Kanunge, 1982b) and tests its pan-cultural implications by reporting on two studies conducted in West Germany and ...
    • Relationship of job involvement to perceived importance: an satisfaction of employee need 

      Kanungo, Rabindra N.; Misra, Sasi (2010-03-13)
      Relationship between attitude of job involvement and patterns of perceived need importance, need satisfaction, and need strength were explored. Data were collected from 64 high-involved and 77 low involved employees of two ...
    • Self medication practices: an exploratory study 

      Gupta, Subroto Sen; Misra, Sasi (2010-03-13)
      The objective of this study were to identify the diseases which are commonly self-treated, people's sources of information about drugs, the differential credibility attributed to these information sources, the degree of ...
    • Teachers as educational-social entrepreneurs: the innovation-social entrepreneurship spiral 

      Sherry Chand, Vijaya; Misra, Sasi (2009-04-15)
      This article extends the ideas underpinning the concept of ‘social entrepreneurs’ to teachers who have created social value in the contexts of socio-economic and educational deprivation. Such teachers develop innovative ...
    • A test for strategic planning related to management 

      Das, J. P.; Misra, Sasi; Mishra, Rama K. (2010-04-17)
      The evidence in favour of predicting managerial success from intelligence tests is mixed. It is difficult to support the predicability of intelligence tests for occupational success (Thornton & Byham, 1982). After reviewing ...
    • An uneasy look at work, nonwork and leisure 

      Kanungo, Rabindra N.; Misra, Sasi (2010-03-13)
      Better understanding of human problems associated with work, nonwork, and leisure has been a long standing concern of scholars of widely varied intellectual persuasion. Philosophers and theologians are interested in these ...