Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Extent of exposure and satisfaction with exposure as predictors of attitudes towards women as managers 

      Swamy, Ranjini (1988)
      Several organizations appear to discriminate against women. This discrimination is commonly traced to the stereotypic attitudes of male managers toward women as managers. Reducing discrimination, therefore, requires changing ...
    • Women in management - a movement from fifties to the next millennium 

      Parikh, Indira J.; Engineer, Mahrukh (2009-12-12)
      This paper provides a panoramic view of Indian Women in Management from the 1950 s to the end of the present century. The paper then looks at new opportunities for women mangers in the next mllennium. Women in Management ...
    • Women in management in India 

      Parikh, Indira J. (2010-03-29)
      This paper is in extension of the paper "Career paths of women in management in India". W.P. No. 884 by the same author. In this paper, the origin and the gradual movement of women's role and identity patterns are discussed ...