Now showing items 11-20 of 201
Incentive efficiency of correlated equilibria with state dependent payoffs
In this paper we extend the framework of a finite game to incorporate state dependent payoffs, prove the existence of a correlated equilibrium in such a set up and obtain a characterization of all incentive efficient ...
Generalization of the raiffa-kalai smorodinsky solution in two person bargaining games
In this paper we present a generalization of the Raiffa - Kalai - Smorodinsky solution to two person bargaining games, to incorporate asymmetries in solution payoffs.
New proof of the maximum principle in optimal control theory
A new proff of the maximum principle is established in this paper, for the simplest problem in optimal control theory.
Optimum ordering interval of inventory with random price functions: a sample path analysis
In this paper we extend the analysis of optimum ordering interval for inventory, carried out by Mukherjee, to incorporate random price schedules observed by firms. We obtain the expression for optimum cycle length by ...
Note on the second order conditions for isoperimetric problems in dynamic optimization
In this paper we obtain a clear statement of the second order necessary condition for isoperimetric problems in dynamic optimization.
Existence of nash equilibrium programs of capital accumulation under altruistic preferences: the continuous time case
This paper presents a general model of altruistic growth in continuous time, where agents' welfare are assumed separable in current consumption levels and levels of incremental consumption. We prove the existence of Nash ...
General saddle point property for two person variable threat games
In this paper we prove that all two person variable threat games which satisfy some very general conditions, fulfill a certain saddle point property at an equilibrium point.
Differential game in advertising
A general dynamic oligopolistic price-advertising model is formulated and open-loop nash solutions are derived. a detailed discussion of long run equilibrum solution is given. conditions for globle stability are discussed.
Monotonicity with respect to the disagreement point and a new solution to nash's bargaining problem: a note
We propose a solution to the bargaining problem which responds appropriately tocertain changes in the disagreement point, for a fixed feasible set.
Optimal consumption plans with uncertain planning periods
In this paper we study the one sector optimal growth model with uncertain planning horizons. We prove the non-existence of steady states, and the dependence of optimal capital stock at time 't' on the conditional probability ...