Now showing items 611-620 of 620
Unsung heroes
Neem-Mania, what else?
Rich in ideas: grassroots creativity
Convergence is not congruence
Poverty abounds in Biodiversity - rich areas
PEOPLE who live in areas prone to droughts, floods and cyclones or amidst hills and forests have
developed lifestyles best suited to their natural resources, thereby enriching the biodiversity of their
Diversity ...
Water wisdom and wars farming matters
Alongside the large-scale floods that fill the news these days, millions of hectares and people around the world are being affected by drought, with large areas suffering from serve brought and fires the current tenor of ...
Seduce the Scientist
There is worldwide indifference among formal and institutional
scientists about local knowledge and people’s
ability to solve problems. This indifference has only increased
by the use of short cut methods of learning, ...
The honey bee network: voices from grassroots innovators
An assumption behind most approaches to the alleviation of poverty is that poor people are
too poor to be able to think and plan on their own. The result is that most interventions are
designed by others: civil servants, ...
Must conservators remain poor
Tapping the entrepreneurial potential of grassroots innovation
(Stanford Social Innovation Review, 2013)
The article discusses the author's views on the complex challenge of tapping the social entrepreneural potential in developing countries to leverage grassroots innovation. He explains that the imperative search for inclusive ...