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dc.contributor.authorJoseph, Jerome
dc.descriptionJoseph,Jerome," The Dynamics of Strategies Militant Managerialism : Analysis of a Strike,"Indian Journal of Industrial Relations,45,4(2010),671-93.en
dc.description.abstractThe collectivisation efforts of em ployees evoke strong responses from managements seeking to sur vive in an uncertain and turbulent environment. The contours of these responses are explored through the analysis of a union mobilization initative of pilots of an Indian air line company. The pattern of re sponse which emerges from this foray into contemporary industrial relations can best be characterized as "strategic militant manager ialism ". The company has its own threefold compulsions revolving around commercial pressures, cus tomer service conisderations and competitor actions in responding the way it did in the face of union mobilization efforts of the pilots . The union forming efforts are re sisted through a variety of means and interventions based on the "hardpositional bargaining mode " with all the consequencs for indus trial relations processes as well as outcomes.
dc.titleThe dynamics of strategic militant managerialism: analysis of a "Strike"en

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