Browsing Video Library by Title
Now showing items 81-100 of 336
Can academic integration reduce the economic divide: An Analysis of the RTE Act in India
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2019-02-18)The Right to Education (RtE) Act enforced in 2009 requires all private schools in India to admit 25% children from economically weaker sections. If successful, the act may play a key role in reducing the widening social ... -
Can innovation help Entrepreneurs and enable service provision
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2014-05-28)The seminar on R & P held at Wing 11 IIM Ahmedabad on May 28, 2014 by Prof. Vijay Modi, Columbia University, New York, USA -
Can we infer the "laws" of finance from big data?
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2017-08-24)A distinction often made between the physical sciences and social sciences is that the latter are not as amenable as the former to controlled experiments for rigorously verifying predictions made from theory. However, ... -
Caring and Honoring of Female Organ Donors
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2018-03-09)The CMHS seminar held at KLMDC Auditorium-2, IIM Old Campus IIMA on March 09, 2018 by Dr. Manoj Gumber Consultant Nephrologist & Transplant Physician Apollo Hospitals International Limited, Ahmedabad on Caring and Honoring ... -
Cascading Pedagogy: Developing Critical Consciousness & Transferable Skills Whilst Teaching Gender Studies
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2017-09-07)In this paper I reflect on my own and my students' experiences within an elective course on Gender Studies to discuss how teachers might reconcile their responsibility for developing students’ critical consciousness along ... -
Causal inference and finite population sampling
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2019-01-17)In recent years, there has been a significant interest in causal inference in a potential outcomes framework, with applications to such diverse fields as sociology, behavioral sciences, biomedical sciences, and so on. The ... -
Census, national sample surveys and historical research methods
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2020-10-27) -
Challenges in Creating a Premier Institute of Higher Technological Education in a Remote Area: A Case Study of IIT Mandi
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2016-01-07)In 2009, a picturesque 500-acre campus in a remote Himalayan river valley was selected for an IIT. With a population of barely 200, beset by landslides and bitterly cold winters, the village of Kamand is 45 minutes from ... -
Challenges in running a Tertiary/Quaternary Care Hospital
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2017-01-24)Provision of healthcare falls under the purview of the service sector and the consumer expectation is service excellence. Hospitals are being constantly compared to similar providers in the hospitality domain, financial services ... -
The challenges of opening up India's capital account
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2014-02-17)A key objective for any open economy is to avoid a financial or balance of payments crisis – a goal that often calls for trade-offs between liberalisation and maintaining control of the economy. This column explores the ... -
Changing Character of Business Librarianship: An Indian Perspective
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2015) -
Changing Economics : Tackling Climate Change & Driving Growth
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2014-07-24)PGPX Speaker Series 2014-15 by The Rt. Hon. Edward Davey MP (British Cabinet Minister For Energy & Climate Change) on 24th July, 2014 at New Campus, IIM Ahmedabad -
Choice of IT Governance Mode:Effect of IT infrastructure Agglomeration
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2016-06-17)Information technologies have enabled growth of large firms with multiple business units spread across geographies and markets. Governance of IT infrastructure is a key strategic priority for managing digitally-enabled ... -
Citius, Altius, Fortius: A History of How the World Became Efficient
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2016-03-09)The talk is derived from an early stage, multi-year book project that investigates the historical political economy of the idea of efficiency. The history and political economy of the spread of efficiency to distant corners ... -
Citizen and experts in policy deliberation
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2011-09-30)This chapter examines deliberative democratic theory and various deliberative experiments that can inform it. It illustrates how these efforts pose questions of expertise and complexity that have yet to be adequately taken ... -
Coal-fired power plants in India
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2015-09-10)India has more than doubled its power generation capacity between the years 2000 to 2014 and coal accounts for more than 66% of its total electricity production. Since 1961, the ‘pit-head’ plant placement policy of India, ... -
Community Change and Holistic development through an innovative action-research school called hunar ghar in rural Rajasthan
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2014-10-13)The R & P seminar held at Wing 11 IIM Ahmedabad on Oct 13, 2014 by ED Forrest, Co-founder & CEO -
Comprehensive financial services for small businesses and low income households
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2014-01-29) -
Constructing race and ethnicity: Category-making in public policy and administration – the cases of the US and Netherlands
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2017-11-16)The US federal government named and defined its demographic categories for the first time in 1977, in the Office of Management and Budget Directive No. 15. The Netherlands also defines and uses “identity” categories in ... -
Consumer evaluations of sale prices: role of the subtraction principle
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2013-07-29)How exactly does the display location of a sale price relative to the original price affect consumers' evaluations? Across multiple studies, including field studies with actual choices and studies with nonstudent samples, ...