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dc.contributor.authorPradhan, Vivek
dc.contributor.authorEvans, John C.
dc.contributor.authorBanerjee, Tathagata
dc.identifier.citationPradhan, V., Evans, J. C., & Banerjee, T. (2013). Binomial confidence intervals for testing non-inferiority or superiority: a practitioner's dilemma. Statistical Methods In Medical Researchen_US
dc.description.abstractIn testing for non-inferiority or superiority in a single arm study, the confidence interval of a single binomial proportion is frequently used. A number of such intervals are proposed in the literature and implemented in standard software packages. Unfortunately, use of different intervals leads to conflicting conclusions. Practitioners thus face a serious dilemma in deciding which one to depend on. Is there a way to resolve this dilemma? We address this question by investigating the performances of ten commonly used intervals of a single binomial proportion, in the light of two criteria, viz., coverage and expected length of the interval.en_US
dc.publisherStatistical Methods In Medical Researchen_US
dc.titleBinomial confidence intervals for testing non-inferiority or superiority: a practitioner’s dilemmaen_US

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