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dc.contributor.authorVidyarthi, Navneeta
dc.contributor.authorJayaswal, Sachin
dc.identifier.citationVidyarthi, N., & Jayaswal, S. (2014). Efficient solution of a class of location–allocation problems with stochastic demand and congestion. Computers And Operations Research, 4820-30.en_US
dc.description.abstractWe consider a class of location–allocation problems with immobile servers, stochastic demand and congestion that arises in several planning contexts: location of emergency medical clinics; preventive healthcare centers; refuse collection and disposal centers; stores and service centers; bank branches and automated banking machines; internet mirror sites; web service providers (servers); and distribution centers in supply chains. The problem seeks to simultaneously locate service facilities, equip them with appropriate capacities, and allocate user demand to these facilities such that the total cost, which consists of the fixed cost of opening facilities with sufficient capacities, the access cost of users׳ travel to facilities, and the queuing delay cost, is minimized. Under Poisson user demand arrivals and general service time distributions, the problem is set up as a network of independent M/G/1 queues, whose locations, capacities and service zones need to be determined. The resulting mathematical model is a non-linear integer program. Using simple transformation and piecewise linear approximation, the model is linearized and solved to ϵ-optimality using a constraint generation method. Computational results are presented for instances up to 400 users, 25 potential service facilities, and 5 capacity levels with different coefficients of variation of service times and average queueing delay costs per customer. The results indicate that the proposed solution method is efficient in solving a wide range of problem instances.en_US
dc.publisherElsevier Ltden_US
dc.subjectStochastic demanden_US
dc.titleEfficient solution of a class of location-allocation problems with stochastic demand and congestionen_US

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