Search for inclusive growth amidst exclusive appropriation in Manipur
In its predominant preoccupation with corporates and
businesses, the strategy literature neglects policies in
the governance arena. Problems of market failures in the
provisioning of private and public goods are known. Less
discussed are Scitovskian “double market failures”,
where neither government nor market can create and
sustain institutionalities for safe, secure and reliable
transactions due to pecuniary externalities. The most
problematic are situations where concern for inclusive
growth coexists with exclusive appropriations over long
periods and problems defy solutions, being neither
cyclic nor structural. This paper cites evidence from
precisely such a breakdown in Manipur to examine this
third category of systemic failures which are “treble
failures” characterising situations where a nexus of
stakeholding contracts to underpin strategy is infeasible,
fragile or highly vulnerable.
- Journal Articles [3727]