Journal Articles
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Caste inequality in occupational exposure to heat waves in India
(Duke University Press, 2025-02-01)India is a leading global hot spot for extreme heat waves induced by climate change. The social demography of India is centered on its caste hierarchy rooted in endogamous occupational groups. We investigate the association ... -
Institutional history, negative performance feedback, and R&D search: a nexus of the imprinting and behavioral perspectives
(Academy of Management, 2025-02-11)According to the extant literature, organizational history binds strategic choices concerning problemistic search behaviors. To complement this line of inquiry, I draw from organizational imprinting theory to develop ... -
Governance beyond borders: exploring executive overconfidence and firm performance using meta-analysis
(Emerald, 2025-02-19)This study examines the complex relationship between executive overconfidence and firm performance, highlighting the moderating role of country-level factors. By conducting a meta-analysis of 116 independent effect sizes ... -
Dynamic robot routing and destination assignment policies for robotic sorting systems
(Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, 2025-01-27)Robotic sorting systems (RSSs) use mobile robots to sort items by destination. An RSS pairs high accuracy and flexible capacity sorting with the advantages of a flexible layout. This is why several express parcel and ... -
Exploiting travel sequences to optimise facility layouts with multiple input/output points
(Taylor & Francis, 2024-12-25)The facility layout problem (FLP) involves arranging departments on a shop floor to optimise specific objectives, traditionally focussing on pairwise flows between departments. However, these methods often underestimate ... -
Trade disruptions and reshoring
(American Economic Association, 2025-01-01)Firms are increasingly concerned about the resilience of their sales and sourcing decisions. Using administrative data, we show that a temporary disruption in trade due to state border closures in India led to a persistent ... -
Silencing quiet quitting: crafting a symphony of high-performance work systems and psychological conditions
(Wiley, 2024-12-25)A key question in the literature is how human resource management (HRM) practices influence quiet quitting (QQ), empha-sizing the need for a more nuanced theoretical framework to explain its antecedents. This research ... -
Limits of ethical leadership and the role of ethics-oriented HRM system in managing Machiavellians
(Emerald Insight, 2025-01-08)Purpose: The current study investigates the significance of ethics-oriented HRM systems (EHRMS) and ethical leadership in addressing the unethical behavior of Machiavellians in professional services firms. Design/method ... -
Alternative investment behavior of households during crises: The effects of the COVID-19 shock on gold purchases in India
(Elsevier, 2024-12-28)Gold plays an important role as a hedge and a safe haven for investors. This paper presents new evidence on gold’s role for Indian households during the COVID-19 pandemic. By using panel and cross-sectional household ... -
AI as an inventor debate under the patent law: A post-DABUS comparative analysis
(2025-01-01)Artificial Intelligence (AI) has gained momentum during the last decade, achieving narrow intelligence to general intelligence. The Gen AIs can generate original content and create patentable inventions. The key challenge ... -
Digital payments in India - how demonetization and COVID-19 shaped adoption?
(Elsevier, 2024-11-23)In this article, we study the adoption of digital payment technologies in India over the last decade. Using a quasi-experimental design, the study assesses if the demonetization exercise of 2016 led to an enhanced adoption ... -
On measuring Muslim segregation in urban India
(Sage, 2024-12-20)The spatial segregation of Muslims in urban India is central to their social, economic and political marginalisation. However, the quantitative characterisation of Muslim segregation has suffered from the lack of readily ... -
Stochastic vehicle routing with delivery choice
(Wiley, 2024-12-08)We consider the problem of designing delivery routes for vehicles where the vendor has the choice of how much of the demandfrom a customer to fulfill. The customer demand is known a priori only as a probability distribution. ... -
A field experiment on marketplace literacy and self-help group membership in subsistence marketplaces
(Sage, 2024-12-05)We conducted a field experiment to gain marketing insights into low-income, subsistence consumers in emerging markets. We examined two phenomena– marketplace literacy which is knowledge and skills about the marketplace to ... -
The interface between authoritarian innovations and labour: implications for the Indian workforce
(Sage Journals, 2024-10-30)On assuming office in 2014, India's BJP-led government initiated an ambitious plan to facilitate the ease of doing business, aiming to make India an attractive investment destination. Interview data from 20 trade union ... -
“Thriving at the margins”: understanding workplace mistreatment and the impostor phenomenon among Latina faculty in STEM
(Taylor & Francis, 2024-11-13)Impostor phenomenon among Latina faculty in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is understudied. Latinas hold only 1.7% of all STEM related jobs,experiencing both mistreatment (conscious and unconscious; ... -
What explains rice exports? an analysis of major rice-exporting countries
(Wiley, 2024-10-16)This study examines the drivers of rice trade. The analysis uses the standard comparative advantage model, the Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek (HOV) framework, supplemented with a gravity-type equation. Using the Poisson pseudo-maximum ... -
Adoption of agronomic practices and their impact oncrop yield and income: an analysis for black gram andgreen gram in India
(Wiley, 2024-10-24)Black gram and green gram are important pulse cropsin India, but their production has faced fluctuationsand stagnancy in yields over the last few decades. TheGovernment of India has implemented several measuresto enhance ... -
Consumer perspectives on food traceability - a systematic literature review and future research agenda
(Wiley, 2024-10-31)Food traceability is a critical approach that ensures the safety and quality of food. It has garnered significant attention, particularly in the aftermath of multiple food safety incidents reported in various countries. ... -
Creating safe spaces through exclusionary boundaries: examining employers treatment of domestic workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in India
(Sage Journals, 2024-09-19)Our study illustrates how boundary mechanisms exacerbated the marginalization of paid domestic workers in India, after they resumed their employment at the end of the lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic. We draw upon ...