Browsing Journal Articles by Title
Now showing items 1933-1952 of 3723
Japan: turning to Third World
(1985-09-21)ADDRESSING the Japanese Diet (parliament) during his recent visit to this country, Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi expressed the hope that the relations between his country and Japan would not be limited to the marketplace ... -
Jati, local public goods and village governance: private actions and public outcomes
(Economic & Political Weekly, 2019)Whether voting along narrow parochial lines in socially and ethnically fragmented societies has measurable gains is explored. Using data from rural India, it is established that identity-based voting, driven by membership ... -
The JIT prescription for industrial revival
(1990-09-28)The JIT model of management developed in Japan offers a proven mechanism for transmitting the multiplier effects of industrial investment to far corners of society as envisaged by the old trickle down theory of economic ... -
JIT: a way to get strategic results from the shop floor
(2010-09-27)Just-in-Time (JIT) is a proven management innovation which is assuming international importance for achieving industrial excellence. It is necessary to understand JIT for improving the efficacy of our own industrial ... -
Job enrichment: prospects and problems
(1980-09-20)Management of human resource is increasingly being recognized as the limiting factor in organizational effectiveness. In recent years questions like why people behave the way they do in their work, what do they want from ... -
Job involvement of intrinsically and extrinsically motivated Indian managers: to each according to his need
(2010-09-20)This study tests the notion that the attitude of job involvement is a function of the degree of satisfaction with one’s salient needs, be they intrinsic or extrinsic. Data from 33 primarily intrinsically motivated and 43 ... -
Job Involvement, sense of participation and job satisfaction: a study in banking industry
(1990-09-29)The purpose of the study was to explore the possible effect of job involvement and sense of participation on job satisfaction of two categories of bank employees. The sample consisted of250 officers and 250 clerical ... -
Job points model: an open source tool to determine the comparable worth of jobs
(i-scholar, 2018-04-01)Comparable worth of jobs is very critical while taking compensation related decisions in any organization. Ascertaining the comparable worth of different jobs having varied levels of responsibility, decision-making, etc. ... -
Job preferences of management graduates: study of graduating students seeking jobs through campus recruitment programme
(1978-02-28)This study of the job preferences of graduating management students brings out that management graduates do wish to pursue a 'rational' objective function within their i?7iperfect knowledge of the working of alternative ... -
Jobs without inflation
(1982-09-14) -
Joint forest management: factors influencing household participation
(1997-07-15)Forest departments in various states have made efforts to manage forests jointly with the local community in selected areas in order to prevent current rate of degradationt of forests and ensure their regeneration. The ... -
Joint sector and financial management
(1972-08-28)The concept of joint sector appears have found wide-ranging acceptance after it was put forward by the industrial licensing policy inquiry committee, popularly known as the Dutt Committee, in a969, in the context of the ... -
Joint sector guidelines for policy
(1972-12-09)This paper argues that the joint sector needs to be encouraged because of the significant role it can play in the social control of private industry, in the promotion of industrial growth, in the mobilisation of resources, ... -
Judicial legislation and judicial restraint
(2011-09-06)In the past decade, our courts have increasingly been enacting “judicial legislation”, taking on a task that is meant for the legislature and elected representatives. This trend reached a new high when the apex court ... -
JUE insight: Infrastructure and Finance: Evidence from India’s GQ highway network
(Elsevier, 2023-09-09)We use data from Reserve Bank of India to study the impact of India’s Golden Quadrilateral (GQ) highway project on finance-dependent activity. Loan volumes increase by 20%–30% in districts along GQ and are stronger in ... -
Justice theroy and intention to quit: a case study of IT/ITES and BFSI employees in India
(Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 2015-07)The debate of fair treatment and justice originates from the notion of social justice. Even though fair treatment may be implemented in the organizations, the employees may perceive that they are not being treated fairly ... -
Kalyan Pharma Ltd.
(1993-10-04)The case presented in this issue focuses on the interaction between the logistics and marketing aspects of KPL—a frontrunner in the pharmaceutical industry. The key strategic question is what distribution system to ... -
Keeping the sparkle on: workforce retention in Indian diamond cutting and polishing firms during economic recession
(International journal of organizational analysis, 2013)– The Indian diamond cutting and polishing (CPD) industry enjoys a global leadership position, but at the same time is vulnerable to economic shifts in the global market. Historically, such shocks have resulted in shake ...