Browsing Journal Articles by Title
Now showing items 2802-2821 of 3723
Qasab: Kutch Craftswomen’s Producer Co. Ltd.
(World Scientific, 2018)The ‘Qasab’ case is designed to teach students about the characteristics of social entrepreneurship and the impact it has on the society. It also describes how sustainable development and social innovation are interlinked. ... -
Quality of care in institutional deliveries: the paradox of the Dominican Republic: a commentary on management
(2003-10-22)Quality of service has two main dimensions. First, service should meet accepted standards or norms.Second, service should please clients.In medical and health services the first—the technical dimension—is dominant.This ... -
Quantifying invariant features of within-group inequality in consumption across groups
(Springer, 2018)We study unit-level expenditure on consumption across multiple countries and multiple years, in order to extract invariant features of consumption distribution. We show that the bulk of it is lognormally distributed, ... -
Quantitative easing and the post-crisis surge in financial flows to developing countries
(Elsevier Ltd, 2016)This paper examines gross financial inflows to developing countries between 2000 and 2013, with a focus on the potential effects of quantitative easing (QE) policies in the United States and other high-income countries. ... -
A quantitative model for press media planning in India
(1976-01-23)The prevalent practice of press media planning in India is to use available circulation and readership data to draw up media plans that will give the desired "reach" and average frequency of exposure (OTS) among the ... -
Quantitative vendor evaluation
(1991-09-30) -
A quest for social justice: a colloquium to build a network
(2010-09-07)The goal of social justice can sometimes be seen as making a lion’s den, a happy zoo. It can also be seen as balancing the competing claims for common spaces, be it in economic, social or cultural domains. But the most ... -
Queuing models to analyze dwell-point and cross-aisle location in autonomous vehicle-based warehouse systems
(Elsevier, 2015)Technological innovations in warehouse automation systems, such as Autonomous Vehicle based Storage and Retrieval System (AVS/RS), are geared towards achieving greater operational efficiency and flexibility that would be ... -
Queuing models to analyze dwell-point and cross-aisle location in autonomous vehicle-based warehouse systems
(European Journal of Operational Research, 2015)Technological innovations in warehouse automation systems, such as Autonomous Vehicle based Storage and Retrieval System (AVS/RS), are geared towards achieving greater operational efficiency and flexibility that would be ... -
Quo vadis, industrial relations disputes resolution...?
(, 2014)Differences and disputes are intrinsic to employer-employee relationships thus necessitating fair disputes resolution mechanisms and processes. The increased demand for labor law reforms and the general trend underlying ... -
Quota-based affirmative action in higher education: Impact on other backward classes in India
(Taylor and Francis, 2019-02-20)While quota-based and other affirmative actions remain on the policy radar of nations faced with social inequalities, there is limited evidence informing policy choices at the national level. This paper estimates the ... -
R & D in Indian seed industry: profitability and public good
(1999-07-16) -
Racial/ethnic differences in perceptions of school climate and its association with student engagement and peer aggression
(Springer New York LLC, 2017)Research indicates that a positive school climate is associated with higher levels of student engagement and lower rates of peer aggression. However, less attention has been given to whether such findings are consistent ... -
Racial/ethnic parity in disciplinary consequences using student threat assessment
(National Association of School Psychologists, 2018-06-13)School psychologists are frequently called upon to assess students who have made verbal or behavioral threats of violence against others, a practice commonly known as threat assessment. One critical issue is whether the ... -
Radio renaissance
(2001-07-17) -
Rags to riches? intergenerational occupational mobility in India
(Economic and Political Weekly, 2017-11-04)The paper examines intergenerational occupational mobility in India among males. This analysis differs from previous work in three important respects. First, a finer-grained categorisation that takes into account differences ...