Browsing Journal Articles by Title
Now showing items 3050-3069 of 3723
Sabarkantha gas limited: challenges of marketing natural gas
(World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd, 2016)This case is set in June 2012 and brings out many operational issues and challenges faced by the management of Sabarkantha Gas Limited (SGL) to efficiently, effectively, and profitably market natural gas in Mehesana, ... -
Salience of job-instrumentality factors in pre and post decision organizational choice
(2010-05-28)In a simulated organizational choice experiment, students of Masters in Business Administration assumed the role of a candi date for a junior executive position in the job market. After rating the importance ... -
Same language subtitling of Bollywood film songs on TV: effects on literacy
(USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, 2014)In addition to 273 million illiterates (2001 Census), India has an estimated 389 million officially “literate” people who cannot read a simple text. Same Language Subtitling (SLS), the concept of subtitling audiovisual ... -
Same language subtitling: a butterfly for literacy?
(2010-10-19) -
A sandwich likelihood correction for Bayesian quantile regression based on the misspecified asymmetric laplace density
(Elsevier, 2015)A sandwich likelihood correction is proposed to remedy an inferential limitation of the Bayesian quantile regression approach based on the misspecified asymmetric Laplace density, by leveraging the benefits of the approach. ... -
The Satyam story: many questions and a few answers
(Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers, 2009-11-11)The unfolding of the shocking Satyam fraud has brought to the fore the wide ranging implications to a multiplicity of stakeholders in the company. The need to dialogue, share, discuss, and reflect is very important at this ... -
Saving mothers and newborns through an innovative partnership with private sector obstetricians: Chiranjeevi scheme of Gujarat, India
(2009-12-15)Objective: To document an innovative public–private partnership between the government of Gujarat, India and private obstetricians in rural areas that provides delivery care to the poor. Methods: This is a descriptive analysis ... -
A savory challenge: innovative activities at India salt
(2007-11-02) -
SB-robust estimation of mean direction for some new circular distributions
(Springer, 2016)The most often used distribution for modelling directional data has been the circular normal (CN) (a.k.a. von-Mises) distribution. Recently Kato and Jones (K–J) introduced a family of distribution which includes the CN ... -
SB-robust estimator for the concentration parameter of the circular normal distribution
(Statistical Papers, 2012)In this paper we discuss robust estimation of the concentration parameter ( κ) of the circular normal (CN) distribution. It is known that the MLE of the concentration parameter is not B-robust at the family of all circular ... -
SB-robust estimators of the parameters of the wrapped normal distribution
(Communications in Statistics: Theory & Methods, 2013)In this article, we study the SB-robustness of various estimators of the mean direction (μ) and the concentration parameter (ρ) of the wrapped normal distribution. The functional corresponding to the sample mean direction ... -
SB-robustness of directional mean for circular distributions
(2011-09-07)In this paper we study the robustness of the directional mean (a.k.a. circular mean) for different families of circular distributions. We show that the directional mean is robust in the sense of finite standardized gross ... -
‘Scandalous’ and ‘obscene’ trademark law: determining the scope of morality-based proscriptions in Indian law
(Sweet & Maxwell, 2023-12-20)Morality-based restrictions on trademarks are prevalent in trademark legislations worldwide, existing in 163 out of 164 WTO member states. In 2019, the United States Supreme Court held that such restrictions fall afoul of ... -
A scatter search algorithm for the single row facility layout problem
(Springer, 2014)The single row facility layout problem (SRFLP) is the problem of arranging facilities with given lengths on a line, with the objective of minimizing the weighted sum of the distances between all pairs of facilities. The ... -
Scent, Sex appeal and HRD
(2009-07-24) -
Scheduling doctors activities in an large teaching hospital
(2002-10-21)Christian Medical College and Hospital (CMCH) at Vellore was founded in 1900 as a one bed clinic by Dr. Ida Scudder. Since then CMCH has gradually grown into an institute of international reputation with more than 1,800 ... -
School drop-outs as bare-foot veterinarians : lessons from a non formal education project
(1993-10-05)This article by Vijaya Sherry Chand focuses on the experience of a non-governmental organization in educating 113 school dropouts as 'bare-foot' veterinarians in the tribal areas of Gujarat. Based on an analysis of ...