Browsing Journal Articles by Title
Now showing items 3376-3395 of 3723
Tactical decisions at Vastrapur car rental services
(Pubsonline, 2017)Ahmedabad is the largest city in the State of Gujarat, India with more than 6 million inhabitants in 2015. Being one of the fastest growing cities in the world, the public transportation network has been unable ... -
The takeoff of open source software: a signaling perspective based on community activities
(MIS Quarterly, 2020-09-01)A few open source software (OSS) products exhibit an abrupt and significant increase in downloads. However, the majority of OSS products fail to gain much interest. Identifying early success is important for catalyzing ... -
Takeover announcements open offers, and shareholders return in target firms
(2001-10-19)The empirical studies in the context of developed countries have consistently pointed out substantial valuation gains for target firms, particularly in case of successful takeovers. This effect has been "found to be ... -
Taking charge and leading reinvention: some insights
(2006-10-27)This paper presents the insights obtained from a study of reinvention efforts of five Preliberalization Indian Organizations (PLIOs) in India. It delineates the process of taking charge and the phases in reinvention. ... -
Taking stock of foreign institutional investors
(2005-10-28) -
Target experiences of workplace bullying on online labourmarkets: Uncovering the nuances of resilience
(Emerald, 2018)Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to report a study of bullying on online labour markets (OLMs),highlighting how abuse unfolds in digital workplaces and depicting the trajectory of target resilience.Design/methodology ... -
Target experiences of workplace bullying: insights from Australia, India and Turkey
(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2016)Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore target experiences of workplace bullying across Australia, India and Turkey, uncovering cross-cultural convergence and divergence. Design/methodology/approach – A ... -
Taste for swiftlets edible nest lowering its numbers
(2002-10-20) -
Tax avoidance by companies: an empirical test of hypothesis
(1968-05-19)It is often argued that the marginal (and average) income tax rates directly related with the degree of tax avoidance and evasion by the individual tax payers. The basic idea underlying this proposition is that as the ... -
Tax factors and investment decision of an individual
(1973-12-21)Investment decision making is an intriguing and recurring phenomenon in the life arena of moneyed men. The following two criteria are normally weighed in the matter of investment of funds: The soundness and security of ... -
Taxation as a tool of redistribution in developing economies
(1971-01-31)Reducing inequalities in income is regarded by most developing economies as one of the objectives of economic policy. For example, the Indian First Five-Year Plan states, "It is no longer possible to think of development ... -
Taxation of agricultural income under central income tax
(1969-05-19) -
Taxation of agricultural incomes: temporary prosperity
(1968-05-18) -
Tea price fluctuations: causes and remedies
(1968-05-28) -
Teachers and socio-educational entrepreneurship: competence as a consequence
(2006-11-01)This article examines how teachers who have achieved their educational goals in rural contexts of socio-economic and educational deprivation have redefined their roles using socio-educationally entrepreneurial practices, ... -
Teachers as educational-social entrepreneurs: the innovation-social entrepreneurship spiral
(2009-04-15)This article extends the ideas underpinning the concept of ‘social entrepreneurs’ to teachers who have created social value in the contexts of socio-economic and educational deprivation. Such teachers develop innovative ...