Browsing Journal Articles by Title
Now showing items 3524-3543 of 3724
Uncertainty analysis in capital investment decisions: some aspects
(1972-06-17)This paper does not propose to discuss the many conceptual problems in the areas of cost of capital or techniques of computing rates of return. Instead it discusses some aspects of the measurement of the benefits from ... -
Uncertainty handling in bilevel optimization for robust and reliable solutions
(World Scientific, 2018)Uncertainties in variables and parameters cause optimization problems to move away from globally-optimal and uncertain solutions. Practitioners resort to finding robust and reliable solutions in such situations. Bilevel ... -
Uncertainty of a R & D project
(1987-09-23) -
Uncertainty of a research and development project
(1988-09-27) -
Unconventional monetary policy normalisation and emerging market capital flows
(Centre for Economic Policy Research, 2016)The Federal Reserve has begun to ‘taper’ its programme of quantitative easing. The ‘taper tantrum’ that followed the announcement of tapering in May 2013 suggests that the normalisation of rich countries’ unconventional ... -
Underlying determinants of health provider choice in urban slums: results from a discrete choice experiment in Ahmedabad, India
(BMC Health Services Research, 2018)Background: Severe underutilization of healthcare facilities and lack of timely, affordable and effective access to healthcare services in resource-constrained, bottom of pyramid (BoP) settings are well-known issues, ... -
Underlying determinants of health provider choice in urban slums: results from a discrete choice experiment in Ahmedabad, India
(BMC Health Services Research, 2018-06)Background: Severe underutilization of healthcare facilities and lack of timely, affordable and effective access to healthcare services in resource-constrained, bottom of pyramid (BoP) settings are well-known issues, ... -
Underpricing of initial public offerings: an empirical analysis of Indian IPO market
(International Journal of Strategic Management, 2008-11-09)Initial Returns (Underpricing) of IPOs and long run (under)performance of IPOs is studied extensively across countries and across time. On a sample of 110 public issues in the Indian market across a 4 years time (2002 – ... -
Understanding consumers in-store behavior: The dual role of episode-specific motive adjustment and motive selection
(ScienceDirect, 2023-09-04)Understanding purchase motivations is vital but challenging due to their unobservable, concomitant, and dynamic nature. Recent research has proposed frameworks to examine their impact on choice by treating motivations as ... -
Understanding digitally enabled complex networks: a plural granulation based hybrid community detection approach
(Emerald Publishing, 2021-05-05)Purpose Communities representing groups of agents with similar interests or functions are one of the essential features of complex networks. Finding communities in real-world networks is critical for analyzing complex ... -
Understanding food policy change in Ghana
(Development in Practice, 2015)Evidence-based policy-making has become a critical aspect of development strategy in developing countries. Yet the assumption that policymakers will automatically use available evidence may not be valid in all contexts. ... -
Understanding Indian economic growth: some observations
(2007-11-02)The history of economic growth after independence in India has been an active field of empirical research leading to debates on effectiveness of policy regimes. The latest contribution by Balakrishnan and Parameshwaran ... -
Understanding marketing approach for libraries
(2010-10-06) -
Understanding political behaviour in organizations: a framework
(1992-09-29)Although political behaviour as an organizational phenomenon has started attracting considerable research, most studies approach it in a segmented fashion. This paper by Deepti Bhatnagar is an attempt to propose an ... -
Understanding the evolution of an emerging technological paradigm and its impact: The case of Digital Twin
(Elsevier, 2022-12)The interest of the academic and practitioner communities on the topic of Digital Twin has grown substantially in recent years. Bibliometric analysis can serve as a useful tool to explore the roadmap of the Digital Twin ... -
Understanding the government’s attempt to transform attitudes towards a critical resource: gold monetization in India
(Resources Policy, 2020)We examine the Indian government's attempts to transform consumer attitudes towards a critical mineral asset in order to bring a part of 25,000 tonnes of privately held gold back into economic circulation through the Gold ... -
Understanding the impact of augmented reality product presentation on diagnosticity, cognitive load, and product sales
(Elsevier, 2024-04)Augmented reality (AR) enhances consumers’ sensory responses to online product presentations, providing a more immersive experience. In online marketplaces, the utilization of various sensory modalities for product ... -
Understanding the relationship between adoption and value creation on online social networks.
(Springer Link, 2023-05-05)In this paper, we reviewed 126 papers published in 13 top journals in information systems from 2008 to 2022 that focused on the adoption of social networking sites (SNS) and its consequences. The paper presents a summary ... -
Understanding the relationship between reviews, search and sales: a study of the Indian car market
(Emerald, 2023-11-20)Purpose While there has been extensive research on understanding the effects of online reviews on product sales, there is not enough investigation of the inter-relationships between online reviews, online search and product ... -
Understanding the structural characteristics of a firm’s whole buyer–supplier network and its impact on international business performance
(Springer, 2019-03-01)Building on the network theory and the concept of organizationalambidexterity, we investigate the impact of structural characteristics of afirm’s whole buyer–supplier network: network density, betweennessc ...