Browsing Journal Articles by Author "VanSandt, Craig V."
Now showing items 1-2 of 2
American MNEs: in search of legitimacy when you’re WEIRD
VanSandt, Craig V.; Mitchell, Matthew C.; Sud, Mukesh (Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 2019)Presuming that American Multinational Enterprises (AMNEs) prefer to be viewed as legitimate, socially responsible firms in their host countries, we seek to provide answers to the question of how they can best determine ... -
Making sense of changing ethical expectations: The role of moral imagination
Hargrave, Timothy J.; Sud, Mukesh; VanSandt, Craig V.; Werhane, Patricia M. (Business and Society Review, 2020-06-29)We propose that firms that engage in morally imaginative sensemaking will manage society's changing ethical expectations more effectively than those engaging in habituated sensemaking. Specifically, we argue that managers ...