Browsing Journal Articles by Author "Varma, Poornima"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Adoption of agronomic practices and their impact oncrop yield and income: an analysis for black gram andgreen gram in India
Varma, Poornima; Manda, Julius (Wiley, 2024-10-24)Black gram and green gram are important pulse cropsin India, but their production has faced fluctuationsand stagnancy in yields over the last few decades. TheGovernment of India has implemented several measuresto enhance ... -
Adoption of system of rice intensification under information constraints: an analysis for India
Varma, Poornima (Taylor & Francis, 2017-06-15)This study examines the role of information constraints in the adoption of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in India by explicitly incorporating information in the adoption model. The results showed that effective ... -
An analysis of the structure and the determinants of intra-industry trade in agri-food products: case of India and selected FTAs
Varma, Poornima; Ramakrishnan, Anjali (SAGE Publications, 2014)The growing evidence of intra-industry trade (IIT) in integrated markets has provided sufficient justification for trade in countries with similar endowments. While several studies have been undertaken looking at manufacturing ... -
Are Indian rice exporters able to price discriminate? empirical evidence for basmati and non-basmati rice
Varma, Poornima; Issar, Akash (Routledge, 2016)The role of exchange rate fluctuations on the pricing behaviour of Indian rice exporters in their major destination markets is examined using the pricing-to-market (PTM) model. The analysis was undertaken in a context where ... -
Assessment of Marketing Channel Choice and its Impacts: The Case of Paddy Smallholders in India
Chauhan, Sonalee; Varma, Poornima; Singh, Sukhpal (Taylor & Francis, 2023-12-22)Market access for smallholders is a key policy issue in developing economies. However, smallholders often face barriers in accessing remunerative marketing channels. Combining the theoretical framework drawn from resource-based ... -
Do free trade agreements promote intra–industry trade? the case of India and its FTAs
Ramakrishnan, Anjali; Varma, Poornima (Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., 2014)The paper examines the role of free trade agreements (FTAs) in promoting intra–industry trade (IIT) between India and its selected FTAs - Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), South Asian Free Trade Agreement ... -
Impact of futures trading on spot markets: an empirical analysis of rubber in India
Gupta, Akanksha; Varma, Poornima (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015)The present study investigates the impact of futures trading on spot markets of rubber in India. The study focuses on the price discovery role of futures, direction of volatility spillovers, and the relationship between ... -
Pricing to market behaviour of India's high value agri-food exporters: an empirical analysis of major destination markets
Varma, Poornima; Issar, Akash (Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2016)The pricing behaviour of India's high value agricultural and food exporters in their major destination markets is examined using a pricing-to-market (PTM) model for noncompetitive and exchange rate related pricing behaviour. ... -
What explains rice exports? an analysis of major rice-exporting countries
Varma, Poornima (Wiley, 2024-10-16)This study examines the drivers of rice trade. The analysis uses the standard comparative advantage model, the Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek (HOV) framework, supplemented with a gravity-type equation. Using the Poisson pseudo-maximum ...