Journal Articles: Recent submissions
Now showing items 221-240 of 3727
Damned if she does, damned if she doesn’t: the interactive effects of gender and agreeableness on performance evaluation
(Elsevier, 2022-01-29)The role congruity theory and research on gender stereotypes suggest that communion and agency tendencies explain gender discrimination in performance evaluations. We propose that high agreeableness, a Big Five personality ... -
COVID mortality in India: National survey data and health facility deaths
(American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2022-01)India’s national COVID death totals remain undetermined. Using an independent nationally representative survey of 0.14 million (M) adults, we compared COVID mortality during the 2020 and 2021 viral waves to expected all-cause ... -
An Asia-centric approach to team innovation: Cultural differences in exploration and exploitation behavior
(Elsevier, 2021-09-29)This paper analyses how cultural differences across China, India, and Singapore influence team exploration, exploitation, and innovativeness. Previous cross-cultural and innovation literature mainly focused on Western ... -
Term structure estimation with liquidity-adjusted Ane Nelson Siegel model: A nonlinear state space approach applied to the Indian bond market
(Routledge Publishing, 2021-12-12)Efficient term structure estimation in emerging markets is difficult not only because of overall lack of liquidity, but also because of the concentration of liquidity in a few securities. Using the arbitrage-free Affine ... -
‘Too central to fail’ firms in bi-layered financial networks: linkages in the US corporate bond and stock markets
(Taylor & Francis, 2021-12-09)Several measures have been recently developed in the financial networks literature to quantify the vulnerabilities of firms in specific markets for risk management. However, firms are often active in multiple asset markets ... -
Passively wait for gridlock, or proactively invest in service? Strategies to promote car-to-transit switches among aspirational urbanites in rapidly developing contexts
(Elsevier, 2021-11-23)As planners and policymakers in cities around the world struggle to attract and retain public transit users, this paper explores strategies to promote transit adoption in contexts where the odds are stacked against ... -
Performance implications of outsourcing: A meta-analysis
(Elsevier, 2021-11-04)Although outsourcing remains a dominant strategic choice for managers, the understanding of its implications on the firm remains inconclusive. In this paper we focus on empirical evidence around contingencies that determine ... -
Interfirm Collaboration and Exchange Relationships: A Research Agenda for Future Research
(Elsevier, 2021-10-19)Interfirm collaboration and exchange relationships are fundamental to how value is created, managed, and exchanged between firms. In this paper we first identify three major research themes (nature, governance, and ... -
Two’s company, three’s a crowd: the interplay between collective versus solo anthropomorphic brand appeals and gender
(Routledge Publishing, 2021-10-26)Anthropomorphism in advertising has been shown to create positive advertising and branding outcomes. In this research, we introduce an important internal variation in this ad strategy—advertising a brand as collective- ... -
Modelling driver's reactive strategies in e-hailing platforms: an agent-based simulation model and an approximate analytical model
(Taylor & Francis, 2021-10-26)For an e-hailing taxi operation, we analyse a driver's profit-maximising reactive strategy (to either accept or refuse a ride request) in response to the ride request broadcast by the platform. We analyse four operating ... -
From silos to synergies: a systematic review of luxury in marketing research
(Elsevier, 2021-10-25)The significant growth of luxury products and services and their marketing in the last three decades has fueled substantial research interest among scholars and practitioners investigating the various aspects of luxury. ... -
Analysis and impact of COVID-19 disclosures: is IT-services different from others?
(Emerald Publishing, 2021-10-26)Purpose There is ambiguity regarding whether coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a boon or bane for the IT services industry. On the one hand, it has created opportunities, especially with the growth of collaborative ... -
Lottery and bubble stocks and the cross-section of option-implied tail risks
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2021-09-15)The options smile provides forwardlooking information about the risk at thecenter of the distribution (ATMIV) and at the tails (Skew). We investigate thecrosssectional determinants of the options smile using indices ... -
Nowcasting inflation in India with daily crowd-sourced prices using dynamic factors and mixed frequency models
(Routledge Publishing, 2021-09-26)In this paper, we forecast short-term monthly headline retail inflation in India using daily crowd-sourced food prices and high frequency market-based measures by employing dynamic factors and mixed frequency models. We ... -
How implicit self-theories and dual-brand personalities enhance word of mouth
(Emerald Publishing, 2021-01-11)Purpose Consumers subscribe to different mindsets or implicit theories of personality malleability, namely, fixed and growth mindsets. This study aims to investigate how and why consumers’ mindsets can influence their ... -
Impact of gendered participation in market-linked value-chains on economic outcomes: evidence from India
(Elsevier, 2021-08-09)We combine the results of a laboratory experiment and survey of agricultural households to estimate the welfare impacts of a market-based intervention with links to value-chain. We investigate whether increased participation ... -
Science education and labor market outcomes in a developing economy
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2021-10-16)We examine the association between studying science in higher secondaryschool and labor market earnings in India. Studying science in high school isassociated with 22% greater earnings than studying business or humanities.Earnings ... -
Geographical dissimilarity and team member influence: do emotions experienced in the initial team meeting matter?
(Academy of Management Journal, 2020-12-09)It is both important and challenging to gain influence within geographically diverse teams. We argue that the emotions team members experience in their initial team meetings moderate the effect of geographical dissimilarity ... -
From the new editorial team: publishing quality teaching cases
(Asian Case Research Journal, 2020)This Editorial was prepared by Li-Qun Wei (Hong Kong Baptist University), Derek Lehmberg (North Dakota State University), Vishal Gupta (Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad), Michael N. Young (Appa-lachian State ... -
Dialoguing with teacher-educators, valorising teacher innovations
(London Review of Education, 2020-11-13)This article describes the educational innovation fairs (EIF), a large-scale collaborative action research initiative undertaken by an academic institution and the teacher-education department of a provincial government ...