Journal Articles: Recent submissions
Now showing items 281-300 of 3727
Country-level and individual-level predictors of men's support for gender equality in 42 countries
(European Review of Social Psychology, 2020-06-13)Men sometimes withdraw support for gender equality movements when their higher gender status is threatened. Here, we expand the focus of this phenomenon by examining it cross-culturally, to test if both individual- and ... -
Does financial reporting quality vary across firm life cycle?
(Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 2020-10-28)This study provides empirical evidence that across firm life cycle there is considerable variation in financial reporting quality. Specifically, the focus is on matching quality captured by the contemporaneous correlation ... -
Link between farm electricity supply management, farm investments, and farm incomes - evidence from India
(Energy Policy, 2020-04-09)This paper examines the link between farm electricity supply management in the context of Gujarat's feeder segregation program, “Jyotigram Yojana” (JGY), investments in fixed and variable farm inputs, and net farm income ... -
Examining the willingness-to-pay for exclusive use of LPG for cooking among rural households in India
(Elsevier, 2021-01-01)Using unique household-level data from rural areas of six energy-access-deprived states in India, we examine the willingness-to-pay (WTP) for exclusive use of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for cooking. We find that awareness ... -
Energy access for marginalized communities: evidence from rural North India, 2015 - 2018
(World Development, 2020-10-13)Rural energy access in India has improved steadily over the last decade. This progress is attributed to national energy reforms that aim to not only expand access to grid electricity and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) but ... -
The impact of implicit theories of personality malleability on opportunistic financial reporting
(Journal of Business Research, 2020-05-27)Individuals typically believe that a highly valued personal attribute is a non-malleable trait-like entity (entity theory), or that the attribute is malleable and can be changed and developed (incremental theory). Research ... -
Making sense of changing ethical expectations: The role of moral imagination
(Business and Society Review, 2020-06-29)We propose that firms that engage in morally imaginative sensemaking will manage society's changing ethical expectations more effectively than those engaging in habituated sensemaking. Specifically, we argue that managers ... -
Impact of institutional imprinting on the persistence of superior profits: a study of regulatory punctuation in India
(Journal of Business Research, 2020-12-10)Drawing upon the literature on organizational imprinting, we examine how a firm’s history impacts its performance in subsequent periods. By considering the emerging market context of India, we present evidence that the ... -
Apartment buyers as financial creditors: pushing the conceptual limits of the Indian insolvency regime
(Columbia Journal of Asian Law, 2020-06-01)A unique feature of the Indian insolvency regime is its classification of debt into “operational” and “financial” debt. In Swiss Ribbons v. Union of India, the Supreme Court of India tenaciously upheld the difference between ... -
The role of shared leadership in managing conflicts in multigenerational teams: a research framework
(Business Perspectives and Research, 2020-11-06)With multigenerational teams becoming ubiquitous in contemporary organisations, this article aims to address the need to understand the dynamics within such teams. The study proposes a conceptual framework to examine the ... -
Does negative teacher behavior influence student self-efficacy and mastery goal orientation?
(Learning and Motivation, 2020-07-11)In a hierarchical society such as India’s, negative teacher behaviors are often part of the routine. However, there is a gap in the literature investigating the influence of negative teacher behaviors (specifically admonishing ... -
Using complier average causal effect estimation to examine student outcomes of the PAX good behavior game when integrated with the PATHS curriculum
(Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 2020-04-15)A growing body of research has documented a link between variation in implementation dosage and outcomes associated with preventive interventions. Complier Average Causal Effect (CACE; Jo in J Educ Behav Stat 27:385–409, ... -
Stochastic loss reserving: a new perspective from a Dirichlet model
(Journal of Risk and Insurance, 2020-05-14)Forecasting the outstanding claim liabilities to set adequate reserves is critical for a nonlife insurer's solvency. Chain–Ladder and Bornhuetter–Ferguson are two prominent actuarial approaches used for this task. The ... -
Why do institutions revert? institutional elasticity and petroleum sector reforms in India
(Business & Society, 2020-08-17)The institutional change literature has predominantly focused on successful changes and sparsely on failed changes, but the idea of institutional fields reverting to their pre-change or near pre-change state, after change ... -
The Interplay between sentiment and MAX: evidence from an emerging market
(SAGE Publications, 2021-01-21)Investors with lottery preferences are known to concentrate on stocks with rare but extreme past returns. We investigate the extent to which lottery preference, measured by the MAX variable, varies with the market-wide ... -
Do Big 4 auditors limit classification shifting? evidence from India
(Elsevier, 2021-01-20)Extant research suggests that Big 4 auditors compared to non-Big 4 auditors act as a superior deterrent to accrual-based earnings management. We extend this research to another form of earnings management, classification ... -
Risk-sensitive Basel regulations and firms' access to credit: direct and indirect effects
(Elsevier, 2021-03-09)This paper examines the impact of risk-sensitive Basel regulations on debt financing of firms around the world. It investigates how firms cope with the impact through adjustments to their financing sources and capital ... -
Optimal monopoly mechanisms with demand uncertainty
(INFORMS: Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, 2021-03-10)This paper analyzes a monopoly firm’s profit-maximizing mechanism in the following context. There is a continuum of consumers with a unit demand for a good. The distribution of the consumers’ valuations is given by one of ... -
The COVID-19 pandemic and food insecurity: a viewpoint on India
(World Development, 2020-07-15)In this article, we present our viewpoint on COVID-19 pandemic and one of the humanitarian challenges it will likely pose: food insecurity. We begin our article by presenting the status of hunger and food insecurity around ... -
Space between products on display: the impact of interspace on consumer estimation of product size
(Springer Science + Business Media, 2021-03-30)This research examines the effect that leaving space between products has on consumers’ estimation of product size. We theorize and empirically confirm that when space is left between products (i.e., the display is ...