Journal Articles: Recent submissions
Now showing items 301-320 of 3727
When distraction may be a good thing: the role of distraction in low-fit brand extension evaluations
(Psychology and Marketing, 2020-01-21)This study examines the effect of distraction after being exposed to information onlow‐fit brand extension evaluation. We show that when consumers are distracted(vs. engaging in deliberate thinking) after encoding extension ... -
Going it alone or together: the role of space between products on consumer perceptions of price promotions
(International Journal of Advertising, 2020-04-20)This research demonstrates that the existence (vs. nonexistence) of space between products on a retail shelf has a significant impact on the effectiveness of multiple vs. single unit price promotions. In particular, we ... -
When the unknown destination comes alive: the detrimental effects of destination anthropomorphism in tourism
(Journal of Advertising, 2020-10-02)This research theorizes and empirically investigates the concept of brand anthropomorphism in the context of tourist destinations, namely, destination anthropomorphism. First, we demonstrate that anthropomorphizing a ... -
Time-of-use pricing of electricity in monopoly and oligopoly
(OPSEARCH, 2020-07-21)This paper discusses the efficiency gains for time-of-use pricing over flat-rate pricing in the electricity sector. The electricity market may be characterised by a monopoly in some cases, where a single firm continues to ... -
A novel method of market segmentation and market study for dynamic pricing of retail electricity in India: an experimental approach in a university setup
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2021-03-21)Dynamic pricing with automation and option to sell in-house-generated renewable energy to the grid attract consumers to the future retail electricity market. Real-time pricing of electricity in the Indian context has not ... -
Place matters: (dis)embeddedness and child labourers’ experiences of depersonalized bullying in Indian Bt cottonseed global production networks
(Springer Science + Business Media, 2021-01-04)Engaging Polanyi’s embeddedness–disembeddedness framework, this study explored the work experiences of Bhil children employed in Indian Bt cottonseed GPNs. The innovative visual technique of drawings followed by interviews ... -
Board's human capital resource and internationalization of emerging market firms: toward an integrated agency–resource dependence perspective
(Elsevier, 2021-07-03)To improve our understanding of the strategic role of the board in emerging market firms (EMFs), we investigate the role of the board’s human capital resource in a firm’s internationalization. Integrating the monitoring ... -
Insights into the complexity of the impostor phenomenon among trainees and professionals in STEM and medicine
(Current Psychology, 2020-09-30)Although the imposter phenomenon (IP), characterized by fear of exposure as a fraud, is prevalent in higher education, studies disagree about its dimensionality, its relation to individual characteristics, and how IP relates ... -
Performance analysis of batching decisions in waveless order release environments for e-commerce stock-to-picker order fulfillment
(International Transactions in Operational Research, 2020-12-14)Warehouse automation is increasingly adopted to manage throughput fluctuations in e-commerce order fulfillment. This work develops queuing network models and solution methodologies for performance analysis of a stock-to-picker ... -
AGV or Lift-AGV? Performance trade-offs and design insights for container terminals with robotized transport vehicle technology
(IISE Transactions, 2020-08-13)New container terminals are embracing robotized transport vehicles such as lift-automated guided vehicles (LAGVs) and automated guided vehicles (AGVs) to enhance the terminal throughput capacity. Although LAGVs have a high ... -
Stochastic modeling of multiline orders in integrated storage-order picking system
(John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2021-02-19)Due to demanding service levels in e-commerce order fulfillment, modeling and analysis of integrated storage and order picking processes in warehouses deserve special attention. The upstream storage system can have a ... -
A new solution approach for multi-stage semi-open queuing networks: an application in shuttle-based compact storage systems
(Computers & Operations Research, 2020-08-20)Multi-stage semi-open queuing networks (SOQNs) are widely used to analyze the performance of multi-stage manufacturing systems and automated warehousing systems. While there are several methods available for solving ... -
Stochastic modeling of parallel process flows in intra-logistics systems: applications in container terminals and compact storage systems
(European Journal of Operational Research, 2020-08-08)Many intra-logistics systems, such as automated container terminals, distribution warehouses, and cross-docks, observe parallel process flows, which involve simultaneous (parallel) operations of independent resources while ... -
Unpacking the effects of adverse regulatory events: Evidence from pharmaceutical relabeling
(Research Policy, 2020-09-12)We provide causal evidence that regulation induced product shocks significantly impact aggregate demand and firm performance in pharmaceutical markets. Event study results suggest an average loss between $569 million and ... -
How does regulation impact strategic repositioning by firms across submarkets? evidence from the Indian pharmaceutical industry
(INFORMS: Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, 2021-02-09)We study coercive institutional pressures as an impetus for firms to reposition across intraindustry boundaries. Integrating the literatures on strategic repositioning and submarkets, we predict that firms respond to ... -
Women’s disempowerment and preferences for skin lightening products that reinforce Colorism: experimental evidence from India
(SAGE Publications, 2021-02-25)Global racism and colorism, the preference for fairer skin even within ethnic and racial groups, leads millions of women of African, Asian, and Latin descent to use products with chemical ingredients intended to lighten ... -
Intellectual property regimes and wage inequality
(Elsevier, 2021-07-19)We use The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2002 in India as a quasi-natural experiment to identify the causal effect of higher incentives for innovation on a firm’s compensation structure. We find that stronger intellectual ... -
Implementation gaps in minimum wages: comparison of eight Asian countries
(Shri Ram Centre for IR & HR, 2021-01)Minimum Wages (MW) have been an important policy instrument used by governments for labor market stabilization and also to improve the worki ng conditions. While the re have been ongoing debates about the impact of MW, ... -
Influence of organizational climate on prosocial organizational behavior
(2020-04)Organizations continuously seek to create an environment where employees go beyond their job brief and engage in others' welfare enhancing behaviors that eventually contribute to higher standards. The study aims to examine ... -
Workplace learning in the IT sector: building a case for investment
(Development and Learning in Organizations, 2020-10-23)Purpose The paper attempts to establish cause and effect between an individual's motivation to learn, workplace learning and the in-role job performance of IT professionals Design/methodology/approach The study uses ...