Journal Articles: Recent submissions
Now showing items 341-360 of 3727
A cutting plane approach for the multi-machine precedence-constrained scheduling problem
(Springer, 2020)A cutting-plane approach is developed for the problem of optimally scheduling jobs with arbitrary precedence constraints on unrelated parallel machines to minimize weighted completion time. While the single machine version ... -
American MNEs: in search of legitimacy when you’re WEIRD
(Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 2019)Presuming that American Multinational Enterprises (AMNEs) prefer to be viewed as legitimate, socially responsible firms in their host countries, we seek to provide answers to the question of how they can best determine ... -
Exploring the role of urban green spaces in ‘smartening’ cities in India
(Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 2019)This paper explores the conceptualization of Urban Green Space (UGS) within India’s urban planning process. In doing so, the context of the Smart Cities Mission (SCM), which is a flagship programme for urban transformation ... -
Corpus linguistics, newspaper archives and historical research methods
(Journal of Management History, 2019)The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the utility of corpus linguistics and digitised newspaper archives in management and organisational history. The paper draws its inferences from Google NGram Viewer and five ... -
What motivates members to transact on social C2C communities?: a theoretical explanation
(Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2020)This paper aims to investigate the consumer motivation to buy products on consumer-to-consumer (C2C) communities on social networking sites (SNSs). These transactions involve no intermediation or payment of fees by any ... -
3J the bright side of darkness: the effect of ambient lighting on information search behavior
(Advances in Consumer Research, 2019)Using data from a field study and an M-Turk experiment, we examine how ambient lighting affects preference for information search. Ambient darkness likely activates the concept of uncertainty (‘being in the dark’) that is ... -
Electronic records of obstetrics and gynecology encounter: beyond professional logics of health care
(IndiaHCI '19: Proceedings of the 10th Indian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2019)This paper examines how use of electronic medical record (EMR) within professional understanding of medical model have bearings upon the health-care provisions for women. Through a qualitative, empirical study in four ... -
Efficiency analysis of Indian banking industry over the period 2008-2017 using data envelopment analysis
(Benchmarking: An International Journal, 2019)The purpose of this paper is to estimate the relative efficiencies of banks of the Indian domestic banking sector by employing various models of data envelopment analysis (DEA) using the panel data of the recent decade ... -
Did Indian federalism fail Punjab?
(Global institute of Sikh Studies, 2019)The question of federalism has been a constant topic of debate since India’s independence. This continuing debate about centre-state relations in India is dueto the fact that Indian federalism is unlike the American federal ... -
Updating PowerPoint for the new business classroom
(Proceedings of the Informing Science and Information Technology Education Conference, 2019)To update a 2010 study that recommended “rules of thumb” for more effective use of PowerPoint in the post-secondary business classroom. The current study expanded the focus to include the business classroom in India as ... -
Downstream electric utility restructuring and upstream generation efficiency: productivity dynamics of Indian coal and gas-based electricity generators
(Energy, 2019)This paper investigates the producer-level temporal dynamics of total factor productivity and operational performance changes in coal- and gas-based generators during the 2000–20013 period of major structural reforms in ... -
Broker imposed precarity of Indian technical immigrants
(Industrial Relations Journal, 2019)The primary purpose of this article is to investigate the labour supply chain of Indian technical immigrants in the United States. The two important findings that emerge are as follows: First, the study unearths a latent ... -
Design thinking for improving employee experience: a case of a food tech company
(Development and Learning in Organizations, 2019)The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate applicability of design thinking in creating employee centric HR solutions. This application is studied in the context of a food tech company. A design thinking process for ... -
Bilevel optimization based on iterative approximation of multiple mappings
(Journal of Heuristics, 2020)A large number of application problems involve two levels of optimization, where one optimization task is nested inside the other. These problems are known as bilevel optimization problems and have been studied by both ... -
Antecedents of inbound and outbound M&A: industry-level analysis from India
(Management International Review, 2019)Cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) allow economic integration across countries and impact industries’ productivity and structure, which has implications for managers, customers, suppliers, and policy-makers. ... -
Examining global competitiveness of Indian agribusiness in the twenty-first century Asian context: opportunities and challenges
(Millennial Asia, 2019)Indian agribusiness is being seen as an important arena for creation of employment and income for large sections of India’s rural and agrarian population in the coming years and decades by public agencies, nationally and ... -
The export value chain of baby corn in India: governance, inclusion and upgrading
(Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy, 2019)It is important to understand the implications of participation in global value chains (GVCs) in horticulture for farmer and worker upgrading/downgrading. This article examines the functioning and dynamics of supermarket ... -
Re-organising agricultural markets for doubling farmer incomes in India: relevance, mechanisms, and role of policy
(Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2019)It has been generally recognised by now that reform of agricultural markets is a must to achieve higher farmer incomes in India, as other attempts on the production front for the same without it would only be sub-optimal. ... -
Impact of regulatory framework on bidding behavior of firms: policy implications for the oil & gas sector
(Energy Policy, 2019)India's economy is heavily dependent on foreign oil with the country importing nearly 80% of its crude requirement. Consequently, government of India has been keen to encourage private investment in this sector through ... -
Identifying the drivers of luxury brand sales in emerging markets: an exploratory study
(Journal of Business Research, 2020)Luxury brands across the globe have made inroads into emerging markets (EM). While some brands have succeeded in one EM, they have failed to replicate their success in others. We investigate the drivers of luxury brand ...