Journal Articles: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 3724
“Real impact”: Challenges and opportunities in bridging the gap between research and practice – Making a difference in industry, policy, and society
(Elsevier, 2024-02-04)Achieving impact from academic research is a challenging, complex, multifaceted, and interconnected topic with a number of competing priorities and key performance indicators driving the extent and reach of meaningful and ... -
The Ethical, Societal, and Global Implications of Crowdsourcing Research
(Springer Link, 2024-01-24)Online crowdsourcing platforms have rapidly become a popular source of data collection. Despite the various advantages these platforms offer, there are substantial concerns regarding not only data validity issues, but also ... -
Can biofuels help achieve sustainable development goals in India? A systematic review
(Elsevier, 2024-03)Biofuels are expected to play a pivotal role in developing economies' transition towards net-zero emissions. However, their promotion can cause multifaceted sustainability concerns. National biofuel policies often align ... -
Reducing market separation through e-commerce: cases of Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP) firms in India
(Taylor and Francis Online, 2023-11-29)Market-based solutions for poverty alleviation at the Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP) have been discussed extensively in the literature. Most BoP producer firms are based out of remote locations and suffer from informational ... -
Examining the relationships between instructional leadership, teacher self-efficacy and job satisfaction: a study of primary schools in India
(Emerald Insight, 2024-01-22)Purpose Building on the social cognitive theory, a mediation model was examined to understand the role of teacher self-efficacy as the underlying mechanism for the relationship between instructional leadership and teacher ... -
Social media “stars” vs “the ordinary” me: influencer marketing and the role of self-discrepancies, perceived homophily, authenticity, self-acceptance and mindfulness
(Emerald Insight, 2024-01-23)Social media influencers have become constant companions of a large audience of young consumers, but a crucial yet underexplored area of examination relates to the implications of exposure to influencers for an individual’s ... -
Inequality and income mobility: the case of targeted and universal interventions in India
(Springer, 2024-01-29)Income interventions with pro-poor targeting is a common fiscal policy around the world. However their distributional effects on consumption and savings are not well understood. Motivated by the Mahatma Gandhi National ... -
Have a Nice Flight! Understanding the Interplay Between Topics and Emotions in Reviews of Luxury Airlines in the Pre- and Post-Covid-19 Periods
(Springer, 2024-01-25)Few studies assessed the impact of Covid-19 on the aviation industry from the passengers’ perspective. This study examined how airline passengers’ emotions (positive and negative) and sub-emotions (joy, trust, surprise, ... -
Does centralization of online content regulation affect political hate speech in a country? A public choice perspective
(Elsevier, 2024-01-04)This study primarily examines how the centralization of online content regulation increases political hate speech in a country. It also explores the roles of the government’s social media surveillance and disinformation ... -
Proprietary algorithmic traders and liquidity supply during the pandemic
(Elsevier, 2024-01-25)This study documents the liquidity-supplying behavior of proprietary algorithmic traders during the abrupt and sustained market decline caused by the COVID-19 outbreak. The findings suggest that these endogenous liquidity ... -
Digital Strategies for Engendering Resilient, Adaptive, and Entrepreneurial Agility: A Confgurational Perspective
(Springer, 2024-01-20)This study examines how different digital strategies influence agility in managing customer demand. We test the effects of digital strategies on three types of digitally-enabled demand management agility–adaptive, resilient, ... -
COVID-19, livestock supply chains and livelihoods in India: a review of impacts and implications
(Emerald Insight, 2023-03-02)Purpose – The global outbreak of COVID-19 and its subsequent varied impacts on different economic activities necessitate to examine its disruptions and impacts on livestock sector in India due to its recently surging ... -
A role that takes its toll? The moderating role of leadership in role stress and exposure to workplace bullying
(Emerald Insight, 2023-11-10)Purpose – The purpose of the article is to provide further evidence for the work environment hypothesis. According to the work environment hypothesis and as documented by empirical evidence, organizational factors play ... -
Celebrity co‐creator or celebrity endorser? Exploringmediating and moderating factors in Marcom decision
(Wiley, 2023-12-19)The present research delves into the concept of celebrity co‐creation from the consumer behavior perspective. It explores the impact of the degree of a celebrity's involvement with a brand (celebrity as an endorser vs. ... -
The role of founder CEO and independent board in family firms’ international growth: evidence from India and Italy
(Emerald Insight, 2023-08-02)Purpose – This paper investigates the role of the founder CEO and board independence in shaping the way in which Indian and Italian family firms (FFs) pursue international growth via two modes, that is exports and FDI. ... -
Impact of TMT structural power asymmetry on family firm internationalization
(Elsevier, 2023-04-01)We examine the impact of the top management team’s (TMT) structural power asymmetry on a family firm’s degree of internationalization. Structural power is the administrative power drawn from formal positions and is different ... -
Assessment of Marketing Channel Choice and its Impacts: The Case of Paddy Smallholders in India
(Taylor & Francis, 2023-12-22)Market access for smallholders is a key policy issue in developing economies. However, smallholders often face barriers in accessing remunerative marketing channels. Combining the theoretical framework drawn from resource-based ... -
Engaging customers and suppliers for environmental sustainability: Investigating the drivers and the effects on firm performance
(Springer, 2024-01-03)While firms engage stakeholders in their sustainability practices to contribute to a better world resiliently and responsibly, little is known about what drives their ability to generate customer engagement (CE) and supplier ... -
Understanding the impact of augmented reality product presentation on diagnosticity, cognitive load, and product sales
(Elsevier, 2024-04)Augmented reality (AR) enhances consumers’ sensory responses to online product presentations, providing a more immersive experience. In online marketplaces, the utilization of various sensory modalities for product ... -
Celebrity co-creator or celebrity endorser? Exploring mediating and moderating factors in Marcom decision
(WILEY, 2023-12-19)The present research delves into the concept of celebrity co‐creation from theconsumer behavior perspective. It explores the impact of the degree of a celebrity'sinvolvement with a brand (celebrity as an endorser vs. ...