A Framework Model on MNE's Impact on Global Development Challenges in Emerging Markets
MNEmerge is a three-year (2014–2016) collaborative research project funded by the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under Grant Agreement No. 612889. The project aims to provide a comprehensive framework for understanding the impact of multinational enterprises on United Nations Millennium Development Goals in developing countries by using case studies, quantitative data as well as policy analysis. The project’s research team studies how MNEs manage their activities in FDI, business functioning, technology and innovation strategies, corporate philanthropy or socially responsible investments and how these issues can contribute to the attainment of poverty alleviation, food security, health security, environmental security and electrification in developing countries. MNEmerge also provides recommendations regarding modes of MNE collaboration with societal stakeholders, as well as tools for decision making that can facilitate the implementation of these recommendations. Thus, the project aims at supporting business sustainability while simultaneously ensuring sustainable development of a society.
- R & P Seminar [209]