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dc.contributor.authorSharma, Vijay Paulen
dc.contributor.authorVorley, Billen
dc.contributor.authorSuleri, Abiden
dc.contributor.authorDigal, Larryen
dc.contributor.authorHuang, Jikunen
dc.description.abstractThe objectives of the study are as follows: The drivers of inclusion: What factors explain that the small-scale producers in the case study are included in dynamic markets? The elements of inclusion: What technical, organizational, managerial, and financial changes did the small-scale producers have to implement to be included in dynamic markets? The costs and benefits of inclusion: What financial and non-financial costs and benefits do the small-scale producers obtain from their inclusion in dynamic markets? The sustainability of inclusion: What type and level of direct/indirect subsidies have contributed to the innovation? What implications does this have on the sustainability? Up-scaling and replication: What public and private policies contribute to the up-scaling of the innovation? What lessons can be derived for public and private policies to promote market inclusion of small-scale producers elsewhere?en
dc.description.sponsorshipIIED, Londonen
dc.subjectCentre for Management in Agricultureen
dc.titleLinking Smallholder Producers to Modern Agri-Food Markets: Case Studies from South and South-East Asiaen
dc.typeResearch Projecten

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