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dc.contributor.advisorBasant, Rakesh
dc.contributor.authorAbraham, Kora
dc.contributor.authorRevant, Soni
dc.description.abstractSelf Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) is a member based organization of poor women workers, mainly from the informal economy. SEWA is actively working in the 15 states of India and in SAARC countries. Registered as a trade union, SEWA organizes poor, self-employed women workers who earn a living through their own labour or small business. Since its inception, SEWA has facilitated the creation of over 12,000 bank-linked savings groups and helped over 1,00,000 households access formal credit instruments for productive purposes. SEWA’s strategy involves working around the achievement of twin goals of: (a) full employment - employment that provides work, income and food security; and (b) self-reliance – economical & decision-making By organizing these women workers to attain full employment, SEWA helps them to become autonomous and economically self reliant, both individually and collectively, including in terms of decision making ability. To achieve its goals; and facilitate members representation, economic empowerment, collective strength & increased bargaining power; SEWA follows an integrated approach • Organizing for collective strength • Capacity building to stand firm in competitive market • Capital formation for risk mitigation & fight poverty • Social security to enhance well-being & productivityen_US
dc.publisherIndian Institute of Management Ahmedabaden_US
dc.subjectSelf Employed Women’s Associationen_US
dc.titleCo-creation of balance score card for SEWA’s women, water and work campaignen_US
dc.typeStudent Projecten_US

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