The relationships between leadership, work engagement and employee innovative performance: empirical evidence from the Indian r&d context
Integrating the behavioural theory of leadership with job demands–resources theory of
engagement, the present study examines the process through which leadership impact
R&D professionals’ innovative work behaviours and innovative performance (measured
through peer-reviewed journal papers, patents, PhDs guided and keynote addresses delivered). Data from 467 scientists working in India’s largest civilian R&D organisation
were collected and analysed using structural equation modelling. The study found that
work engagement was positively related to innovative work behaviours as well
as innovative performance. Leader behaviours had significant indirect effects on innovative
work behaviours as well as innovative performance via work engagement. While the total
effect of leadership on innovative work behaviours, the total effect was non-significant for
innovative performance. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.
- Journal Articles [3727]