Theatre in India Current situation & way ahead
project is aimed to study the current situation and provide a strategy forward for the Indian Theatre Industry. Theatre has been prevalent since the times of the Ramayana, Mahabharata and has gradually evolved but does that ensure its sustainable growth in the future? Before we start talking about the way forward, let us ponder upon a few questions!
Firstly, is there even something known as the “Indian Theatre Industry?” Is Indian Theatre large or popular enough to be established as a separate industry in itself? Many professionals do not think so and firmly believe that it will take at least a few more years for theatre to be called an industry and get its own identity.
Secondly, is there immense competition among the dominant entertainment forms? With the rise of other forms of entertainment such as Movies, TV Shows, Sports, Stand-up comedy, Online streaming and festivals, the audience has too many options to choose from in their limited entertainment time. Although each entertainment form has a somewhat distinct and unique set of audience, there is intense competition (even if indirect) among these forms. They have to fight each other to capture the needs of their targeted audience.
- Student Projects [3208]