Browsing Open Access Journal Articles by Title
Now showing items 79-98 of 348
Compliance and cooperation in global value chains: the effects of the better cotton initiative in Pakistan and India
(Elsevier, 2022-03)The Better Cotton Imitative (BCI), the world's largest multi-stakeholder initiative (MSI) for sustainable cotton production, is a prime example of a hybrid “cooperation-compliance” model used by some MSIs to engage farmers ... -
Computerised decision aid for timetabling - a case analysis
(1992)Timetabling is a large and complex problem. In the absence of a precise objective function, the solution process mostly aims at obtaining a feasible solution. There is a quality aspect of time- tabling which is often not ... -
Connecting the right knots: The impact of board committee interlocks on the performance of Indian firms
(2023-03-21)Research Question/Issue Information processing, agency, and resource dependence perspectives provide diverging predictions regarding the relationship between board interlocks and firm performance, which are rooted in ... -
Constitutional mandate and judicial initiatives influencing water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) programmes in India
(IWA Publishing, 2017)This paper undertakes a thorough review of the legislative and policy framework of water supply and sanitation in India within the larger backdrop of the universal affirmation of right to water and sanitation under the UN ... -
Consumer behaviour and climate action: insights from a Randomised Control Trial experiment in India's residential cooling sector
(Elsevier Ltd, 2021)Air-conditioning is expected to be the largest consumer of residential energy in India in the future. Good consumer practices related to servicing air-conditioners (ACs) are critical for maintaining high operational ... -
Contesting social responsibilities of business: Centring context, experience, and relationality
(SAGE Publications, 2024-04-26)This introduction, and the special issue on ‘Contesting social responsibilities of business: Experiences in context’ it frames, addresses the neglected question of the experience of contestation in the terrain of the social ... -
Cooperative Rural Banking: Anad Shows the Growth-oriented Path
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 1996)Anad Farmers Service Cooperative Bank is an innovative bank in both the spirit of its cooperation and rural banking. This bank is also financially viable and growth-oriented. This paper by Bhupat M Desai and N V Namboodiri ... -
Cooperative security against interdependent risks
(Wiley, 2023-07-07)Firms in interorganizational networks are exposed to interdependent risks that are transferable across partner firms, such as contamination in food supply chains or data breaches in technology networks. They can be decomposed ... -
Corporate Reputation Decoded
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 2015) -
Corporate social responsibility: Practice, theory, and challenges
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 2012) -
Corporation and its Shareholders: What Should B-Schools Teach?
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 2006)[No abstract available] -
Correlation of newer indices of dyssynchrony with clinical response in patients undergoing cardiac resynchronisation therapy
(Elsevier, 2021-04)The benefits of CRT in select subsets of systolic heart failure patients with LBBB are proven. We prospectively evaluated conventional and newer echocardiographic parameters of left ventricular dyssynchrony in 35 patients ... -
Covid-19 and Domestic Violence: an Indirect Path to Social and Economic Crisis
(Springer, 2020)Purpose: We intend to identify the links between Covid-19 and domestic violence, expose the potential reasons behind an increase in domestic violence cases due to Covid-19, and argue that rising incidence of domestic ... -
Creative restructuring
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 2001)In the context of liberalization of globalization of economy, the changes required in the functioning of corporates need to be vast. Corporate restructuring has become an important means for achieving such changes in India ... -
Creativity in research and development laboratories: A new scale for leader behaviours
(2013)In this paper, we report an inventory of leader behaviours that can promote creativity among R&D professionals. Specifically, we constructed and quantitatively validated a scale that was previously developed using a ... -
Credit off-take from formal financial institutions in rural India: quantile regression results
(SpringerOpen, 2014)Extending financial services to unbanked population in India has remained a central part of the policy thrust of the Indian government for decades. To that effect, a widespread formal credit delivery mechanism has been ... -
A cultural impostor? native American experiences of impostor phenomenon in STEM
(American Society for Cell Biology, 2022-03-01)Using a framework of colonization in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), this U.S.-based study examined how seven Native American PhD students/postdoctoral scholars experienced impostor phenomenon. ... -
Data aggregation for p-median problems
(2011)In this paper, we use a pseudo-Boolean formulation of the p-median problem and using data aggregation, provide a compact representation of p-median problem instances. We provide computational results to demonstrate this ... -
Debunking fake ad claims: the moderating role of gender
(Taylor & Francis, 2023-01-31)Countering ads with fake claims represent a significant challenge for marketers and policymakers. We show how gender can help better target debunking efforts toward fake ads. First, we find that females (vs. males) show ... -
Deciding where to buy: Store choice behaviour of Indian shoppers
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 2002)Store choice is a decision that a shopper is fairly involved in. It is important for a store to understand this behaviour for developing marketing strategies to attract and keep its clientele. It is found that shoppers ...