Browsing Open Access Journal Articles by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 348
Influence as a function of communicator discrepancy and his prestige
(1969)Studies in the field of persuasion and communication have used known sources to test the effect of credibility on influence. What pattern of opinion change occurs when Ss themselves identify the credibility of the communicator, ... -
Communicator discrepancy, perceived credibility, and opinion change
(1969)How credible and at what level of discrepancy a source should be in order to be sufficiently influential is examined in this study. PROCEDURE: Perceived credibility and communicator discrepancy were manipulated. 100 Ss, ... -
The effects of influence conditions and discrepancy upon authoritarian conformity
(1973)Having made a series of numerosity judgments, Ss were exposed to judgments presumably made by three other individuals. The discrepancy between Ss' judgments and those attributed to the others was either small or large and ... -
An improved soy-processing technology to help alleviate protein malnutrition in India
(1988)A small-scale soybean-processing technology has been developed that will produce both high-quality edible oil and protein meal for human consumption. This technology is attractive as an alternative to solvent extraction ... -
Computerised decision aid for timetabling - a case analysis
(1992)Timetabling is a large and complex problem. In the absence of a precise objective function, the solution process mostly aims at obtaining a feasible solution. There is a quality aspect of time- tabling which is often not ... -
An interactive graphics based visual modelling tool
(1992)Interactive computer based graphics systems are increasingly being used in modelling environments. In these situations the main design goals for software systems, which support visual output display, are: the ease of ... -
Regulating the private health care sector: The case of the Indian Consumer Protection Act
(Oxford University Press, 1996)Private medical provision is an important constituent of health care delivery services in India. The quality of care provided by this sector is a critical issue. Professional organizations such as the Medical Council of ... -
Market Driven Manufacturing : A Requirements Analysis
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 1996)In this paper, Kunal Basu and Pankaj Chandra develop a framework for market driven manufacturing that identifies market conditions and success requirements for determining the necessary manufacturing focus. These are then ... -
On corporate strategy and financial strategy
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 1996)This article by Ashok Korwar makes an attempt to systematically develop the link between corporate strategy and financial strategy. Drawing on concepts from both strategic management and financial theory, the paper develops ... -
Cooperative Rural Banking: Anad Shows the Growth-oriented Path
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 1996)Anad Farmers Service Cooperative Bank is an innovative bank in both the spirit of its cooperation and rural banking. This bank is also financially viable and growth-oriented. This paper by Bhupat M Desai and N V Namboodiri ... -
Budget: A retrograde for agriculture
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 1997)According to the author, though the budget has some positive initiatives for agriculture, they are unlikely to pull the sector out of its poor growth in postreform period. Moreover, the budget shows that the govern~ent ... -
Appropriate return to- equity in private power projects case of the enron project
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 1997)There has been considerable controversy about the appropriate return to equity in private power projects. This case study by Sidharth Sinha discusses the appropriateness of the return to equity in the Enron project. � 1997, ... -
A System Dynamic Study of Apple Movement from Orchards to Wholesale Market
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 1997)This paper presents a simulation model of fruit movement from orchards in Himachal Pradesh to the market of Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) in Delhi. Daily arrivals in Delhi as predicted by the model are ... -
Telecom Services in Urban and Corporate Segments: A Consumer Perspective
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 1997)Based on a sample of respondents � both owners and non-owners of telephones梔rawn from two cities of Gujarat as well as three corporate houses of Ahmedabad, this study by S. Manikutty identifies issues regarding estimation ... -
Three models of management education
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 1997)In this paper, Sampat P Singh describes three models of management education: the pragmatist, the professional, and the humanist and emphasizes that for continuous education in future, we ought to use all three models ... -
Financial crisis in East Asia: A macroeconomic perspective
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 1998)The East Asian crisis occurred despite highly impressive macroeconomic performance and prudent fiscal policies pursued by the severely affected countries which enjoyed excellent international credit rating till June 1997. ... -
Macroeconomic Analysis of the Union Budget 1998-99
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 1998)There were several expectations as well as apprehensions about the maiden budget of the newly elected coalition government led by the BJP. This paper by Bakul Dholakia presents a critical appraisal of the macroeconomic ... -
Competitiveness of Indian Manufacturing: Findings of the 1997 Manufacturing Futures Survey
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 1998)This paper by Pankaj Chandra and Trilochan Sastry reports the findings of a survey to study the competitiveness of Indian manufacturing sector. The paper identifies the priorities of Indian manufacturing firms, the programmes ... -
Source sink flows with capacity installation in batches
(Elsevier, 1998)We consider the problem of sending flow from a source to a destination where there are flow costs on each arc and fixed costs toward the purchase of capacity. Capacity can be purchased in batches of C units on each arc. ... -
Integrated Decision Support Models for Manufacturing: An Example from the Electronics Industry
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 1998)In response to increased competition, shorter product life cycles, and more demanding customers, manufacturers in many industries have been forced to adopt a service orientation to be more responsive in meeting customer ...