Browsing Open Access Journal Articles by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 348
A "NOTCH" deeper into the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) program in breast cancer
(MDPI AG, 2019)Notch signaling is a primitive signaling pathway having various roles in the normal origin and development of each multicellular organisms. Therefore, any aberration in the pathway will inevitably lead to deadly outcomes ... -
A burnout model of job crafting: Multiple mediator effects on job performance
(Elsevier Ltd, 2018)Studies establish that job crafting, i.e. the proactive changes made in one's work through balancing available job demands and resources, results in various positive outcomes at the individual, job, and organisational ... -
A high resolution DMA covering the 1 - 67 nm size range
(Taylor and Francis Inc., 2020)A differential mobility analyzer for high-mobility resolution (1/FWHM∼30) classification of 1-67 nm particles is designed to analyze viral particles. Inner and outer electrode radii of 1.01 and 2 cm (at the outlet slit) ... -
A mathematical model for predicting length of postoperative intensive care requirement following cardiac surgery in an Indian hospital
(Springer, 2021)Intensive care unit (ICU) is a critical resource in a hospital, especially in developing countries such as India. The length of ICU stay after a cardiac surgery is an important variable for effective use of this critical ... -
A multi-tier linking approach to analyze performance of autonomous vehicle-based storage and retrieval systems
(Elsevier Ltd, 2017)To improve operational flexibility, throughput capacity, and responsiveness in order fulfillment operations, several distribution centers are implementing autonomous vehicle-based storage and retrieval system (AVS/RS) in ... -
A review of health system infection control measures in developing countries: What can be learned to reduce maternal mortality
(2011)A functional health system is a necessary part of efforts to achieve maternal mortality reduction in developing countries. Puerperal sepsis is an infection contracted during childbirth and one of the commonest causes of ... -
A Review on Bilevel Optimization: From Classical to Evolutionary Approaches and Applications
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018)Bilevel optimization is defined as a mathematical program, where an optimization problem contains another optimization problem as a constraint. These problems have received significant attention from the mathematical ... -
A scoping review of the contributions of farmers' organizations to smallholder agriculture
(Springer Nature, 2020)Farmers' organizations (FOs), such as associations, cooperatives, self-help and women's groups, are common in developing countries and provide services that are widely viewed as contributing to income and productivity for ... -
A snapshot of gut microbiota of an adult urban population from Western region of India
(Public Library of Science, 2018)The human gut microbiome contributes to a broad range of biochemical and metabolic functions that directly or indirectly affect human physiology. Several recent studies have indicated that factors like age, geographical ... -
A System Dynamic Study of Apple Movement from Orchards to Wholesale Market
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 1997)This paper presents a simulation model of fruit movement from orchards in Himachal Pradesh to the market of Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) in Delhi. Daily arrivals in Delhi as predicted by the model are ... -
An abstract model for branch and cut
(Springer Link, 2023-06-30)Branch and cut is the dominant paradigm for solving a wide range of mathematical programming problems—linear or nonlinear—combining efficient search (via branch and bound) and relaxation-tightening procedures (via cutting ... -
Accelerating agricultural development for inclusive growth: Strategic issues and policy options
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 2012) -
Adapting the Women's empowerment in agriculture index to specific country context: Insights and critiques from fieldwork in India
(Elsevier B.V., 2019)The Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI) is a direct, multi-dimensional measure of women's access to resources and decision-making in various domains of agriculture. However, several challenges characterize its ... -
Addressing difficulties with abstract thinking for low-literate, low-income consumers through marketplace literacy: a bottom-up approach to consumer and marketing education
(Wiley, 2024-07-11)We examine a bottom-up approach to consumer and marketing education for subsistence consumers, that is, those with low income and relatively lower literacy levels. They face a variety of cognitive and other constraints, ... -
Addressing grand challenges through the bottom-up marketing approach: Lessons from subsistence marketplaces and marketplace literacy
(Springer, 2024-04-17)We present a bottom-up marketing approach as a pathway to addressing the grand challenge of poverty and inequality for the marketing discipline. We derive this approach from the research stream on radically diferent ... -
Advertising competition under consumer inertia
(INST OPERATIONS RESEARCH MANAGEMENT SCIENCES, 2003)We construct a multistage game-theoretic model of advertising and price competition in a differentiated products duopoly, in which proportions of consumers exhibit latent inertia in favor of repeat purchase. Advertising ... -
Agile auto sub assemblies: Challenges in managing growth, resource productivity, and demand variability
(INFORMS Inst.for Operations Res.and the Management Sciences, 2019)Ms. Swathi Bhargava, welcome and thank you for agreeing to join us for your internship. As you know, we are a small-scale auto parts manufacturing company but have quite a reputation in the local market. We just secured ... -
Agility and the transition from uncertainty to recovery: the Indian IT industry and COVID-19
(Elgar Online, 2023-07-01)This paper reports a study of how the Indian IT industry navigated the COVID-19 pandemic. Agility emerged as the crucial determining factor aiding the industry’s successful survival. IT organisations’ agility, facilitated ... -
Agroindustry for rural and small farmer development: Issues and lessons from India
(International Food and Agribusiness Management Association, 1999)This article examines the priority given to agroindustries in India in the context of their role in rural and small farmer development. The features and constraints of agroindustry are examined to assess their real and ... -
Air pollution co-benefits of low carbon policies in road transport: A sub-national assessment for India
(Institute of Physics Publishing, 2015)This letter assesses low carbon scenarios for India at the subnational level in the passenger road transport sector. We estimate the future passenger mobility demand and assess the impact of carbon mitigation policies using ...