Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Increased mortality rate associated with chikungunya epidemic, Ahmedabad, India
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2008)
In 2005-2006, R閡nion Island in the Indian Ocean reported ?266,000 cases of chikungunya; 254 were fatal (case-fatality rate 1/1,000). India reported 1.39 million cases of chikungunya fever in 2006 with no attributable deaths; ...
The effect of surveillance and appreciative inquiry on puerperal infections: A longitudinal cohort study in India
(Public Library of Science, 2014)
Objective: To evaluate the effects of an intervention comprising surveillance and an organisational change called Appreciative Inquiry on puerperal infections in hospitals in Gujarat state, India. Methods: This longitudinal ...
Maternal health in Gujarat, India: A case study
(International Center for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, 2009)
Gujarat state of India has come a long way in improving the health indicators since independence, but progress in reducing maternal mortality has been slow and largely unmeasured or documented. This case study identified ...
Infection control in delivery care units, Gujarat state, India: A needs assessment
Background: Increasingly, women in India attend health facilities for childbirth, partly due to incentives paid under government programs. Increased use of health facilities can alleviate the risks of infections contracted ...
Coherence between health policy and human resource strategy: Lessons from maternal health in Vietnam, India and China
(Oxford University Press, 2015)
The failure to meet health goals such as the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) is partly due to the lack of appropriate resources for the effective implementation of health policies. The lack of coherence between the ...
Good governance and corruption in the health sector: Lessons from the Karnataka experience
Strengthening good governance and preventing corruption in health care are universal challenges. The Karnataka Lokayukta (KLA), a public complaints agency in Karnataka state (India), was created in 1986 but played a prominent ...
Study of blood-transfusion services in Maharashtra and Gujarat states, India
(International Center for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, 2009)
Blood-transfusion services are vital to maternal health because haemorrhage and anaemia are major causes of maternal death in South Asia. Unfortunately, due to continued governmental negligence, blood-transfusion services ...
Using 'appreciative inquiry' in India to improve infection control practices in maternity care: A qualitative study
(Co-Action Publishing, 2015)
Background: Infections acquired during childbirth are a common cause of maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity. Changing provider behaviour and organisational settings within the health system is key to reducing ...
Do the pre-service education programmes for midwives in India prepare confident 'registered midwives'? A survey from India
(Co-Action Publishing, 2015)
Objective: The graduates of the diploma and degree programmes of nursing and midwifery in India are considered skilled birth attendants (SBAs). This paper aimed to assess the confidence of final-year students from pre-service ...